Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Ok, now we are getting somewhere, enter the Judge’s chambers to receive your sentence;)

@Smooth has been sentenced to receiving LSF2 :)))))

Drop me a safe addy


Finally. Lord


Slow and steady wins the race, glad you are in on the Lifesaver’s :+1:


Yeah idk haha. The fact that I have no idea how baseball works may have been an influencing factor haha. Didn’t even know what I was looking for lol.


Are those Musky/pike lures? I have always wanted to hook into one of those monsters up there.

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These are saltwater lures, no built in action, just waddling around in the current. I guess they could be used in fresh, but they rely alot on current and water movement to be effective, which there is less of in the sweet.

I would love to target muskie sometime, not sure i would use my good wood needles on them, their teeth would shred it up.


All this talk about fishing has me racing, won’t be long now, and the herring will be flooding the runs for the big orgy. And someone was mentioning pigs earlier, love them fatty little buggers.

So let’s marry the two, and give away the last pack of LSF2 for today.

Fishing, and pigs, hmmm.

I like to butcher pigs sections, and cook them yum. There is a special part of the pig I harvest as I butcher. This organ is processed properly, and subsequently used to catch my often elusive quarry.

What is this magical pig part that I utilize in the hooking of da fishes?


The skin?
I know that’s my favorite pig part.

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Indeed, the skin, my friend @potpotpot !!! Nice job, if addy’s same, you are all set.

I process the skin into pork rind trailers, ala Uncle Josh Pork rinds, 'cept mine are now of unlimited number, and cost $0.00, my kind of price :wink:

The process is somewhere online, in the freshwater forums, lot’s of salt slicing ans scraping.


Cool. One hobby I have is making cured and/or smoked meats. I make homemade venison/pork sausage, cajun boudin, tasso, ham to name a few Also fry the pork belly for Cajun Cracklins. Yum yum


That’s very cool, I like processing stuff too. I once tried to make goose breast prosciutto, umm not a rousing success, but fun and learny all the same/

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Oh far fucking out! Thank you!
My appreciation of pig skin finally got me something other than high blood pressure haha. Wonder if you can catch something with an actual pork rind. I bet a bluegill would hit a pork rind.
It is indeed the same. Thanks again!


Just woke up, went thru list but you are not there👀

Ima throw a pack together for you👍


In the pipeline.

Sweet&Sour Cindy F1 I made a few years ago. She’s a looker, and her brothers and sisters are getting ready for the show too✌️

Couple of her sisters, uniform lookers👍


Sweet Cindy x lsd f2
Double serrated saw blades, taking over the tent.
Going f3 , got three similar plants like this they all get pollinated if all goes well.


Blue moon rocks by lsd. I think I have 3 dudes and 3 or more ladies. F2 attempt great looking stinky little plants


Wow didn’t see this till now !
You da man …
For your kind gesture I guess I’ll say your plants look pretty happy and healthy for the size of the containers they are in :crazy_face: ! …especially the twins …I always had a thing for twins …never happened but a man could hope haha
Thanks again bro I appreciate it …the last of the venny back strap will be ate in your honor lol


Somehow I ended up with a pack of Sweet and Sour Cindy that I can only guess is your work. I can’t say as I remember who traded them to me but I have to say, nice work. Let me her back to her and I’ll drop a pic. I’ve also got 4 clones of her just starting out.


Always interested in Cinderella crosses.

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She is about 3 weeks into flower

Hard to see but she is starting to get frosty


Hell yes, that looks like her​:+1::skunk::popcorn::pineapple:

Nice job, I am glad someone is growing the seeds I make. This is a quietly rewarding hobby.