Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Damn brother I thought I had a lot going on lmao
Those beans arrived…and I said hello to your old backyard lmao !

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Welcome, nice to see you in the wipeout zone. Bring your helmet, it gets a little ruff in here :slight_smile: As you can see, I am well in over my head, to boot.

Since we are all here, let’s do a slightly boring update, no awesome flower pics, just slow steady progess, with the occasional hiccup(yesterday :roll_eyes:). A slight overcrowding problem, nothing a few thousand more watts cant solve, ugh gonna be an expensive month or two.

Seed run #2 2023
Stars of the show are:
Sweet Cindy x LSD F2 – getting f3’d
BMR x LSD f1, – getting f2’d
SSC F1 2019 - getting f2’d
BOG SSC 2016ish - getting f1 :wink:
Critical Kush - @Gpaw - sinsemilla
Mystery Fire - @JohnnyPotseed - sinsemilla

Seed run #3 right behind it, so most of these will die before fullfilling their destiny :wink:
Rotten Pineapples F3 – getting f4’d
Rotten pineapples x bog lsd - getting f2’d
BOG Bubble F1 – geting f2’d
About 15 plants each to hunt thru, weaklings non exixstent, just vigor :slight_smile:

Lifesaver F2 – 4 pc germ test, they look fine, and will grow these out.
Blue Kush x LSD – ??genetics?? if I find no males = herm seed
Dreamcatcher x LSD?genetics? if i find no males = herm seed
Curious about these two, should be interesting either way
Sweet Cindyxlsd x golden nuggets too :)))
truely overgrown

Main ingredient

Males kept for breeding, some just one, some two, and I think I have 3 of the sscf1, just keeping the best structured, and stinkers, getting rid of most pole beans. Keeping one bmr tall one cuz i like to stretch it out :wink:

Running mystery auto for fun, fully seeded with male auto pollen – frosty stuff

Rotten Pineapples x LSD - came from great, really great plants, oh boy – these are my 5 girls, waiting for 3 diff pollens


Found this, as a spriglet, a year ago today, in a pot I was cleaning. It is now a small tree. Perhaps a blue spruce :slight_smile:

I run bonsai year round for those interested
Snow Rose
Fetissa Serissa
Ease of growing:difficult
Clonability : easy
White flowers in summer
likes ph 7.0
Original mom from 1990’s is dead, but these are her offspring, oldest probably 15-20 years old.

Well, that’s it for the other one y’all :)))

If you stuck around this long, there should be something at the end of the rainbow for you. Well, not all of you - just 3 of ya potheads.

For one of three packs:
Golden Nugget F2 (BX1) ?
I used last years male pollen on three solo cuppers. Not sure what to call it f2 or bx1 or f33?(feel free to educate me)
Frosty fuckers, may be the new name, since the nugget likes to sue little guys;)

First three to exclaim:
“We’re so barren, bring us Aaron”
Win a pack of my untested, freshly dried, GNF2(bx1)
Thanks for making this Overgrow place what it is!!!


I’m thrilled they landed, I know you’re gonna find something special in there.

Ya, a little bit going on. have not even planted a tomato or pepper yet, so I am fucked for sure :wink:


We’re so barren, bring us Aaron :call_me_hand:

Lol and here I am :sweat_smile:


“We’re so barren, bring us Aaron”
Great way to start the afternoon


You’re a funny one, I’d love to burn a few with you someday :slight_smile:

I got ur addy, look for seeds :wink:


No doubt, a little gn for the soul.

Don’t think I’ve even sent you anything, dm a safe addy, and you are off and running.


Done Mr C, its a pleasure doing pleasure with You

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Lol I always miss these. Figure I’m actually first for one and it has my name in it :sweat_smile:

Ide be game one of these days :v:you ain’t that far out

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Nope not far at all, I hit the hill of watching quite hard when necessary :fishing_pole_and_fish:


If the male was a F1, and the ones in the solo cups were also F1, they’d simply be F2s. If you grow out the F2s and breed them to their parents, either by keeping track of which seeds came from which solo girl or by just growing more females and hitting them with the pollen, that’d be a BX1. Definitely not F33, unless you’ve been inbreeding this line for 16 years or so. :stuck_out_tongue:


I only count two claimed


Thanks for the input. Yes, I am using last years gps male, I popped the whole pack, and pollenated two females from the same pack. So, that gave me the f1’s I popped in the solos. I hit those new f1’s with last year’s male pollen, so there’s my bx1?

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Perceptive you are young jedi


In that case you had F2s in the solos already, and these are indeed BX1 seeds. :slight_smile:


Cool man, thanks again for the input, much obliged, think I’m gonna pop a few and see what’s in there. The male was a real looker.


I’m not gonna jump on those, you’ve been more than generous to me already, but I can’t believe no one has jumped on that last pack yet.

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That’s cool. If something big happens with them you will wind up with some anyway;) I can see a veggie seed trade coming down the road, i have some stuff I’ve been working on I think you would love. I can include some of whatever you see that you like in here.

the third pack will go, slow day in the wipeout zone.


Golden Nugget BX1, wow, still a chucker, but making progress :wink:


Still didn’t come back and claim it!!!

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