Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Have you ever tried mixing your pollen with flour?

No sir. No flour, no baking, just proper drying and storing. I get dusty stuff out of the freezer years later, all viable. Still have some from 5 years ago, wonder if that will work. Test time :wink:

Various methods will work.

  1. Make a small notepad paper envelope, you know the kind they would sell the grams of coke in, back in the day. ugh what a mess that was… but i digress. Put the pollen in the envelope, close it up, not too tight to smush the goods. then wrap the envelope in saran wrap, like totally wrapped up. Then into mason jar with rice, and into the freezer.

  2. I now use the plastic ampules, just pollen in the tube, after it has been properly dried. Then into the jar with silica beads, then freezer.

How I dry- pollen in the vial(never more than 1/3-1/2 full), leave vial open - silica gel beads in a small airtight sealable vessel - nestle tube in the beads OPEN, and then close the jar tight. Dark place 5-7 days, dry as a bone, close vial, into jar with more silica, into the freezer. Don’t touch it, breath on it, just pack it and hide it, no time to admire your work;)

To defrost one vial, I have an empty jar with silica in the freezer at all times. Pop out a vial from long term storage, put it in the empty vial frmthe freezer, and sit it on the counter closed tightly. An hour or so, it’s room temp and ready to use. Quick spritz, and back into freeze.

Sorry for the long drawn out thing, got on a roll :wink:


It’s called a pharmacist fold, if you ever wanted to know. Your random factoid of the day haha.


That makes it even funnier!


Yeah, I’m with @Piter on this one.
It’s the cross contamination that concerns me.


Concern, sure, but there’s plenty of mitigation tactics. I forget the member off the top, but he made little collection tents out of clear rubbermaids to gather multiple pollens. And you have to have somewhere sequester the pollenated plant(s), then spray it down before retuning it to the group. Even with the spray, some pollen will still remain and give you presents at harvest time. I call it controlled pollenation.


That was part of what intrigued me with the flower that it weighed it down a bit to lessen the chance of unwanted lingerers

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I wish ptsd didn’t mess with my memory so much. I made a bunch of beans my last indoor and I can’t remember for the life of me how I did it. I had a really nice sssdh male and I hit the mango haze and the other sssdh ladies I had and had some really nice beans. I went to pop I think like 50 of them and overnight i had a bunch break soil.

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Was gonna bin this male with the rest cuz it ain’t too branchy like I like. But it looks like a nice plant, good stem rub, so maybe we make room for you too.
RpII x lsd male


At closer look, she’s a girl👀no wonder she looks so sexy. Uppot to flower room.

Dudes getting sorted and culled. So far keeping these for pollen collection as there will be no “open pollination”. I may collect multiples of each strain, still on the fence about narrowing the pool or keeping it wide open. I tend to lean to more variance, trying not to cut off to much possibility.

Bmr x lsd


Sc x lsd f2

Bog sweet and sour Cindy 2016
Oh yeah

Sweet and sour Cindy f1 repro 2019

Culls for today, the more I kill the better things start to look;)


Rp II fab 5

Gpaw critical kush

Sour bubble mystery cross, herm alert.

Nothing but girl parts👍
Clone uppot flower out​:eyes::v:


Pride and joy.
Sweet Cindy x bog lsd f2
Stunning girls😍

Looking thirsty :upside_down_face:


That’s some impressive branching on the left sweet and sour Cindy, pic 4. That one wants to be a tree!


Thanks for the detailed information brother…
It helps a lot :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Thanks for that too bro @potpotpot :wink:


Glad it helps. I want to have good and transparent genes for everyone to enjoy​:shamrock::skunk::shamrock::mushroom:

And yes that 2016 ssc is great, definitely a standout :+1::popcorn:


Cartwright… what is smell and taste of the Sweet/Sour Cindy. Ive had 99 and loved the pineapple.

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Depends on which end of the gene pool you are swimming in. It varies quite a bit.

From the man himself.


These arrived.
They are some big beautiful seeds.

Thank you!


You are very welcome, good luck with them. BBB’s - big bog beans :wink:


Got clones of all just in case something special pops up✌️
…and for spreading the love;)

Just cleaned and sorted. I’d say 90% rooted👍

Dead dying or weak


Pre sexing veg out.

Shit show;)