Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Always a fun trip cruising thru your thread…

A-Loc you talking about the felt pots or the fabric 1gal starters… suck to work with as they keep collapsing until a bit filled up. but work well. Miss your solo cups eh? I’ve never ever had luck with them but it’s always been with Autos and I think it affects size due to their short veg time.


Yeah they’re compostable so you can just plant em right into their next pot. I’ve actually heard people say these work good for autos because you don’t have to stress the plant when uppotting by messing with the roots. I did enjoy the solos lol could write right on the side what was inside. I’m not sure on their actual size though for these fabric jobs. It’s these

I’m actually getting a nice rhythm going filling em up. Working over a plastic container so I don’t have to worry about spillage. Grab a handful to let the bag stand on its own. Grab a good handful but use both hands like a chute into the bag. Two of those than I sprinkle some mykos. One more good handful and on the to the next lol started off slow but I seem to be getting quicker


Many thanks…

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Thanks all for hanging out. Got it all together, and hooked up @Kronnkk and @tresbundles, thanks for checking in;)

After throwing some bonus packs together for members not named here, I’m temporarily tapped out.

BTW - the OG Kush is a bx1 I believe from @gpaw, and the Lifesaver F1 are my own repro. Big thanks to gpaw, love the plants:), still have some critical kush going for sinse, will show at some point.

The cnc is a mix of stuff, you can see her up in the thread, indoors and out:), and again crossed with the lsf1 repro pollen…

Back soon with some clone porn.

keep it Kozmo


Really appreciate it man. They’ll be put to good use for sure :call_me_hand::pray:

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Got a sweet new lid in the mail that I won in a giveaway over in a discord group. Came just in time for the holiday :call_me_hand:


Nice bro, packs are in the pipeline.:eyes:

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Too busy to be on a lot right now, and no rain to chase me inside. But I still have 3 packs of these:
The seeds pop, and I am gonna run a couple of my testers, so you can see them.
A lot of you dudes are getting these already, or already have them;) so send someone that might like them.
@Fuel , I got you covered, send me a safe addy.

Two packs up for grabs. A dibs will do it.


@CTGrown these are gonna be some fire


@Cartwright i know he would love some but pretty sure he’s on the road working.


They are pretty


Look like you could cut a steak with those damn leafs lol

Dibs! happy 420!


I have enuff for a few more packs, and a few other lifesaver cross surprises to come. And lsf3 hopefully👀

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oh,i meant to let you know,6-6 germ rate on your RP x lifesaver…excited about those!

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Nice! Good luck with those! I will mail you these tomorrow :call_me_hand:

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I always laugh when I see your safey. I drove past that exit for decades, and had close friends nearby. Good times ,!would not trade those years for anything. Even if I sat in traffic hours a day, still wouldn’t give any of it back.

Bloody monster and lsf2 coming out of the torture chamber. Looks like they will pull thru and get run somehow🙃

Blueberry diesel f2, will share on the other thread when they grow up.

Top clone

Top clones lsf2 and dcII

My clones need to be cloned😎

Just perfect

Stay cloney


Beautiful full house man :call_me_hand: I can’t wait to have space like that

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