Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

It’s always tough to lose people, especially so young. But as they say, he would want us to keep doing what we were passionate about. So, I am sure he would be behind some seedaways in his memory.

He really liked the ‘stub, and a lid’ contest we ran in the dead thread.

With that in mind, let’s do stub and a lid. Show us a concert stub and a hat you love. That will get you a pack of each, ogk x ls and cnc x ls​:+1::sunglasses::skunk:

Invite your friends🙃


Think nothing of it amigo. Thanks for chiming in and enjoy the rest of the day.

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Thank you sir, it is very much appreciated.

He was waaay too young. It’s strange because even though we barely interacted, I was thinking of him the other day, I know he had a birthday coming up soon, as do I. It’s sad, and more than bit scary, I’m not that much younger than he was.

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You are very welcome. Shows, you don’t have to know someone all that well, yet still feel a connection. Pass on good vibes wherever you go👣

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Ummm a hat I like… A souvenir from Paris

And with concert stub what are you referring to? A souvenir? A video? Sorry but not english here and some words leave me doubts


That’s good enough for me, nice to see you @Piter . will get a note out to you:)


It was kinda a concert after all the free rum we drank
There was singing involved on the bus ride back. .

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I’m into it. I will dig deep and find something else to match with these. You grow gps? Got doubles of Jelly Pie:)

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Sounds great if you have extras. Otherwise just enjoyed your giveaway not short on seed.

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Coolio, glad you’re hangin’ around.

giddyup zep, will put you down for a package :wink:


Sucks losing someone so young like that. Especially such a good person that’s make such an impact to so many people here.

Unfortunately all my cool hats and stubs have been lost to time lol this has been my go to. Hard for me to find snap backs that look ok on my huge skull :sweat_smile: got this from a rinnai vendor while I was doing hvac with my cousin. Had good times working with him no matter how shitty the job was we would always get eachother cracking up lol


Dig it, aloc is down :+1:

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@Cartwright i like the new avatar! Tight lines!

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Thanks man, same to you! Just getting the itch now, be ready by mothers day;)

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Appreciate man. About to pop some of your lifesavers and a bunch of other gear from OG gromies. Should be a great show :call_me_hand:

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Good luck with all your efforts, I will be lurking around your grow room :wink:

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Gonna shut this down for tonight. Thanks for all the looks at the lids, see you tomorrow :slight_smile:


“Stub and a lid”, good stuff bud. :+1:
Think all the good stubs have been lost to time.
And my wife would kill me if I start tearing apart my massive hat collection to get a pic of the one I’d like to share, lol. :rofl:

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Thanks man :pray: Gonna start a journal once I get everything in. Got a lot of peoples to tag :call_me_hand:

Starting off in these like liter maybe less fabric bags, wasn’t thinking how tedious it would be to fill 60 of buggers lol was hoping to get em all prepped and seeds in but I just realized I lost the box of plastic spoons I bought to use for labeling everything. Missing my solo cups already :sweat_smile: