Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Over night soak, and I put them in paper towels on the cable box.


@Carty sent me shinola way back. What I have is two dudes. What’s the flavor profile on these? You see any of my plants that could benefit from a spritz of this stuff?



I put the Ancestral skunk x thp back in storage, too much to bite off. I may just run it outdoors at some point.



Since Iceman is drooling over his girl, I’ve decided to look thru some. The ogkbls cross was an incidental pollination, while I was making Lifesaver seeds. I was not concerned with over spray, as the male LS was very impressive, and here we are, with Ice leading the charge.

As I mentioned, there are some growers with these, hopefully someone else will chime in :wink:

Well, all 26 opened, and most grew significant tails overnight. So, that was 18 hr soak, 24 hr paper towel on cable box. Only one barely cracked, and so the culling begins.



culling begins

full tray, cannaspeed young ones !

I know this is a lame update considering what’s going on, but I will come thru with some decent pics at some point. Spoiler, three female Sweet Cindy x LSD F3 are taking over one of the spaces :wink: giddyup


Super cool brother! :boom:
Also I forgot to mention, some of the ogkblsf seeds you had sent were quite large, like marbles. Sure can expect twins out of those. Unable to take pics as they’re tucked into storage. :relaxed:


Ya, pretty good sized seeds, not like it matters all that much. Nonetheless, it’s nice to see good sized and striped seeds popping like corn on a hot skillet :open_mouth: As for the cross, the breeders of those strains really did all the work. All I did was get careless with the pollen :wink:

OK, let’s make some more ‘happy’ accidents

Three- BOG Sweet Cindy X BOG LSD F3, dominating the space
One- Rotten Pineapple F3 X Willamette Valley Pineapple, big too
Couple other ladies in there, including BOG LSD, BOG Sour Bubble :wink:

Rotten Pineapple F4 field, pollinated 75% of them, directly
looks like it took :slight_smile:

dreamcatcher x mystery 100% auto regular pollen
here’s one making a spear

BOG LSD males, three very nice plants.

BOG Sour Bubble, two underwhelming plants at first glance.

Freshly watered tray of 1 gallon females
BOG Bubble F3, Reverse rotten, red hedded hippie, berry freak


And, finally, BMR x LSD cross is putting out stocky stinky little bastids,
I got a barn full of dudes to choose from.
check a few out

Rotten Pineapple x WVP, dubbed – ‘Double Rotten’, I have a feeling about these dudes, and I have a gorgeous female somewhere just waiting :wink:


:wave: :man_farmer:


Rudimentary clones
Hong Kong bluey 4/4
Cuts taken day 10 of 12/12
Rich soil, well water, hormex
18/6, 100w spider
Uppot so I don’t have to water every day

A little slow release organic pellets upon transplant


24 hrs later heads popping

Big tray


All up except one, effed with it and broke it. So 24 on the go.

Ssc yearning for an uppot


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses:

Those are Ogkbls want to grow :vulcan_salute:


Morning to you :wave:

Yes indeed. Something to be said for f1 vigor :wink:


:mechanical_arm:Nice! Are you making F2s?

I scrolled up and re read that post. OGK x Bog Livesaver

Man did he knock it out of the park with these!


If things go according to plan, there will be ogkblsf2 seeds to go around👍

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Clean rpf4 for head stash

Dirty girl


Sc x lsd f3’s - woof


Veg and clone room environment decent


Mornin’ folks.

Bite your tongue, or have it cut out.

Sign up for your ‘re-education’ – seems resistance will be weak. Sign up now, get your spot :wink:

Our brothers to the North, are up against it. Let us stand with them, and hope they defeat the reds. :us:


This is big. Re-education camps. I’m sorry Canada, we are going to have to invade you, and fix that mess :rofl:

The shameless campaign to silence Jordan Peterson

Writer and psychologist Jordan Peterson has lost his battle with Canada’s woke moralists. After a two-year legal fight, the Ontario Court of Appeal has ruled that the Ontario College of Psychologists has the right to send him for mandatory ‘social-media training’ – or to a ‘re-education camp’ as Peterson puts it. If he refuses, Peterson will lose his licence to practise clinical psychology.

Peterson is effectively being punished for committing thoughtcrimes. His troubles started in 2022, when several individuals complained to the Ontario College of Psychologists about his tweets, particularly his criticisms of climate-change alarmism and gender ideology. The tweets also included comments that a plus-size model was ‘not beautiful’; that trans actor Elliot / Ellen Page ‘had her breasts removed by a criminal physician’; and that Gerald Butts, prime minister Justin Trudeau’s former principal secretary, was a ‘prik’ (sic).

This attempt to silence Peterson is deeply Orwellian. At an earlier hearing last summer, the Ontario Divisional Court ruled that individuals belonging to professional bodies ‘do not lose their… right to freedom of expression’, but that they must still ‘abide by the rules of their regulatory body that may limit their freedom of expression’. Such doublethink wouldn’t be out of place in Nineteen Eighty-Four.

ummm, ya, I got nothing more to say at this point. But this is why the greasers hated the socs. Life imitating art. Greasers shouldnt have to hide who they are :frowning:


Meh? If you have professional licensure, and part of your (very) public person is holding a license… it’s not entirely surprising that you might come under scrutiny and face disciplinary action if you break the rules.

Having to attend a remedial “expectations around social media use” course is hardly akin to being shipped off for re-education.


Also he’ll make a pretty penny off this whole thing. Laughing all the way to the bank.


OK, but ‘social media training’, come on. It is not good, and this guy is being pushed. why? To scare all others. It is evil and communistic.

just my opinion. Yours may differ, and I respect that.

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