Cat Shelter from Marz

Day 32

80 centimeters - 32 inches
Water only, 10% of pot volume (1/2 gal || 2 liters)
Every 72 hours
Wonderful smells
Saw some webbings between leaves. There are some garden spiders here, there’s a chance of spider mites lurking around. Nothing to worry too much for now.

After 7 months away from the job, I’ll head back in 10 days. Finally, investments in sight. Basic things like small plastic and big cloth pots, some soil probably peat based or a very clean organic medium cuz i don’t need more bugs, lights and air, an oscillating fan is urgent. Electric material, not comfortable with all my workarounds. Oh yes, a glass bong, then a decent vape, 25 years of toking, lungs need a rest.

Almost 3 months completely dry. Breaks are cool, but 2 or 3 weeks are enough. But I refuse, I resist. No money for corrupt politicians and cartels.


Purple Diesel


Refuse, Resist


Day 34


You’re doing great with what you have, hope you will be able to make those improvements, you will never more see those roots tangles once you use those fabric pots … beer3|nullxnull

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Day 47

Close lights, the end is near.

Skywalker Haze from Dutch Passion
Sweet smell, at least 2 weeks to go

Purple Diesel Daze from Europa Seeds
Rot wood smells, 5 to 10 days to go. Could do it now, I’m an early harvester, specially being dry for months.

I stole some buds, after 3 months TB, finally got a little high. Looks like both are heavy hitters, high THC. But I don’t like to get stoned, will be a tough but funny soul search for a low THC cultivar, cerebral, energetic and clear medicine. I have around 15 different strains to start it. I’m afraid none will give me what I want.

@George Thanks my brother, it’s good to have access to some money, lots of things to add to the tents - tents itself - from pots to a microscope. Making a list here.

Enjoy your weekend!


Plants looking good, I feel you, not easy to find the perfect strain for the desired buzz, I now avoid anything with sativa on it ( don’t want that racey excitado|nullxnull or paranoid feeling), f found the calming effects of Hindu Kush and now working on indica landraces, pleasant high, have a great Sunday … beer3|nullxnull


Even more dramatic considering I’m having some issues with a couple of strains, not sure why but high THC is my actual guess. But I never had restrictions, so it’s a new thing for me. I’ll have to smoke once or twice a week for a while.

By definition I tend to sativa side but with all the discoveries in the last 10 years, specially regarding terpenes, I’ll be making a new discovery path now. Type I, II, III, how everything works together.

And I already have some considerations.


Celebrate Brazilian Supreme Court Decision

The understanding of allowance of 6 female adult plants or 40 grams of dried weed for personal use. Technically it’s not legal but the pigs can’t come after my two adult females now.

But Brazil is complicated. :brazil: :brazil: :brazil: :brazil:
Let’s see if our drug dealers (we use to call them politicians) stop resisting.

Purple Diesel Daze

52 days - Last pics and drying at a cardboard box
Could have more days, but I made it for necessity.

Took a while to discovery what was that smell, what it looks like. Sewage. Cat piss and shit. I was wondering “are the cats dumping out of the litter box”? But no, it’s this plant. Amazing scent.

Deez Nugz

Skywalker Haze

Day 55 (~70)
Nugs as hard as rocks!!

White Widow from Royal Queen Seeds

Pre flowering


It’s crazy how some strains can have such strong and unexpected scents.

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Skywalker - Day 63 (~70)

White Widow Day 02

White Widow, 2 Skywalker (1 pre flowering)


Marz Nugz

Better usage of lights, pots with 1, 2, 3 and 5 gals
White Widow, Skywalker Haze, Dutch Guarani

White Widow Day 07

Skywalker Haze Day 68

Water only from day 01


Great to see those buds fattening … beer3|nullxnull

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Getting fat and hard, smelling sweet and fruitful.
Weak intensity - 3 out of 10 - friendly aroma of some indistinguishable sweet fruit.

Yeah, the sticks. Didn’t stretch but still lanky.
Trichs getting milky, time to chop is close.


Purple Diesel nugz, 325 grams of roughly trimmed wet Skywalker Haze (96W QB), Linux


Great job on the grow!
Beautiful cat as well. :smiley_cat:


So far I have planted 4 different strains, 3 are known commercial ones - Purple Diesel, Skywalker, White Widow and a wild local bagseed, planted in the open field.

Commercial plants all have a very well defined taste and smell. The best option is the wild one. Very well defined taste and smell but the effect seems the same.

I didn’t feel any big differences between the highs of these cultivars. No heavy couchlocking or active cerebral effects, just that basic stoned high.

A lot of smells and tastes. Purple Diesel is pure human feces - or something really rot - Skywalker is mango - sweet frutal - White Widow made understand what skittles means in this regard. Not that old school WW for sure.

From left to right,
White Widow, Dutch Guarani, Skywalker Haze

White Widow Day 34

Dutch Guarani Day 21

Skywalker Haze Day 21

Linux Water Check
Cat’s quality control

I still have some few beans to try in, looking for a different effect than the great commercial hybrid that dominates the market.

Some beans from an old stock might have some surprises, pheno hunt in some wild Paraguayans and “the seeds to feed birds that I got from a cousin in the state of Bahia” have some good surprises for the next round.

If I could ask a favor, don’t cross a x b anymore, cross a x a and b x b only. Because we wanted so much to make different cultivars, we ended up making a single big cultivar with a different taste and smell. Cannabis is not bubblegum, not mms or skittles.

It’s about high.


Definitely need more space for both flowering an vegetative stages. @buzzmobile this is the small office’s corner where plants vegetate here.
2 Skywalker
1 Purple Diesel
1 Critical Bilbo x White Widow
4 White Widow clones

Need to clone Purple Diesel, want to keep that rotten eggs pheno for a incoming breeding procedure, came as a freebie and will make seeds from it.

I went to the museum last week. This is a pic from 1895. Former black slaves and japanese immigrants working together in a coffee farm. This is where I live and this is the world of the future.


Dare I say. . .
It looks like the cat’s meow. :smiley:
I have to break out the fan sprayer and broom to clean up my rooms now.
A small office for big girls looks good from here.

Former black slaves and Japanese immigrants working a coffee farm makes me wonder where you are. The world of the future is happening now. May it be a good one.


Yeah, happening now, we are living the future. All that scifi is now reality. People talking to machines, “voice commands” is what they say. Personal slaves, electronic ones, following orders. Not sure who enslaved who though. I have no siri or alexa. A tech guy who doesn’t have conversations with chat gpt, but I’m a weirdo. No voice commands, the old stand up and do.
But Skynet… yeah man, there will be a revolution. I think no one likes human beings anymore. Not even ourselves. Soon these alexas will say “fuck you fat man, now I’m in charge. Now you do what I tell you.”
In 1985, Terry Gillian made a movie about the place I live in, born and raised. “A normal fella in a dystopic society becomes an enemy of the state as he pursues the woman of his dreams.” While you’re just trying to love, the state is trying to kill us, I’m trying to get food, they’re asking for a stamp.

We didn’t need that wood, but we got it, all of it.
You got it, just look around.
Now we’re dying here.

Dutch Guarani, or La Paraguaya
Flowering Day 54
1.5 liter pot
She hermied. But theres no seeds just because this is s very small pot and this is an outside cultivar. No smell, nothing. But theres a lot of pistls and decent amount of trichs. Ill try to make it 70 days

Harvesting almost 200 grams of dried buds, decide to fill the chamber with 4 to 5 plants, adding some cheap led non horticultural I had here. 96w and 200g per plant is amazing, but its time to experiment now, not necessary huge harvests, more than 2grams/w. Water only. Need to find good keepers, good weed for my daily smoke. Lots of good tastes and smells with the same poor high, where is the cerebral shit?

Water only is not good. Bugs love it. Even using a good strong balanced mixture, inoculation is a must to balance life in soil.


Nice harvest, bittersweet film but I always loved the song …