Cat Shelter from Marz

My humble setup is made with a handmade tent using PVC pipes and double sided visqueen plastic. 2 meters tall x 1 meter deep.
Lights are a couple of VS1000 (Vivosun) 96W each.
A 20 cm fan and 5’ extractor with carbon filter to refresh air inside.
I’m going through the hottest May in the city history, RH around 35% and temps around 30°C. For me, hard to breathe. But my plants are liking since I’ve been some issues with pests due to the full organic nature of my soil.
Soil is made with perlite, a little of vermiculite, lots of compost from my earthworm bin - basically decomposing fruit peels - a commercial compost cause I needed some volume. Have a little of oyster shells, kelp meal, dolomite, bokashi, bone meal and thermophosphate. So I have lots of brown mites (oribatids - good mites but need close attention) and I spotted orange and white spider mites, whiteflies, all sort of aphids, thrips and good springtails - collembule - also beneficial but needs to be tightened controlled. So my IPM relies on the control of VPD. Less than 0.9 is ok, above it things start to get nasty.
I flowered a plant under these conditions, and it was ok for almost 10 weeks, let’s see how it’ll work for 2 plants, have a little concerning about the extraction of air, need to pay daily attention.
In general, 5 gallon fabric and plastic pots for the job.

Left: Skywalker Haze from Dutch Passion
Right: Purple Diesel Daze from Europa Seeds
Flowering Day 06 - after pistils

Center: White Widow from Royal Queen Seeds

Weird WW. I think its a dwarf plant. I thought it was contaminated with HLVd, so it was placed under quarantine out of the house. For 6 weeks the plant just get there stucked and suddenly start to flower.
Out of the house, the photoperiod is 12/12. So it’s technically in week 6 of flowering, after flipping.
I have another WW from the same seed pack, I’ll show in the next post, completely normal plant. Never heard about dwarf plants, I don’t know if it has a technical name, but definitely it’s not normal. And since ain’t no viruses, I will keep the plant and see what’s happening. Below, a close up of the main flower. No topping, no fimming, just free grow.

Skywalker close-up:

Purple Diesel close-up:

Fast stretching… I’ll be sticking bamboos in the pot to help to sustain vertical growth.


Very cool! Look forward to seeing these ladies grow. Will be good to see if the ww has a growth spurt or stays stout. Like your grow and look forward to updates


Oh yeah, me too. Consider my TB entering the week 9, really missing a good hit in the bong. I’ll be posting the other WW soon, a normal plant but with a different set of leaves. Cant take the “dwarf” in consideration, but it’s different from my last WW 15 years ago. For now is just water and wait. Thanks for your visit, you’re very welcome here @StrongerthanDirt


Never know sometimes which plant will put out some fire bong bowls as sometimes who knows what’s in a cross/name as secrets are kept sometimes. Will be cool to see here!


What’s vegetating?
White Widow, Critical Mass x White Widow, Dutch Guarani and Skywalker Haze from seed
Clones of Purple Diesel and Skywalker Haze

For the future, to breed when I have more gear/structure, seeds from Dutch Guarani, Cabeça de Nego, Afghani#1 and Super Silver Haze. Guarani and Cabeça are wild seeds. In the Brazilian state of Bahia, seeds of Cabeça de Nego are used to feed birds. I got a handful of these seeds from a cousin living in the area, from a local farmer who use to supply cannabis seeds for the illegal market of birds breeders. There is a huge illegal market of it in that place.

Wild seeds means a lot of hermies. First breeding session will be to get rid of full hermies trying to find males and females to further selection. Full hermies meant that plants in every node shows flowers and nanners.


Nice setup. I love your plans.

I had no idea they were sold as birdseed.


Good to see another black cat on OG. :smiley_cat:


Day 23

Plants are very similar. Both breeders claims that the plants are 75% sativa. Hope they’re right.
Just water since transplant. Time to a compost tea to aggregate a little more P and K with fungi and microbes to the soil.

Purple Diesel Daze

Skywalker Haze

I’ll be cleaning this place later today… Going to 11th week of TB. I really need some sativa puff to do these boring services.


Yeah, hope they’re the sativas I’ve been looking for. Seeds came from non grower person, unlabeled, just with stories. They use to mix it in the singing birds food, it’s said that they sing loud and more after eating it. Thanks for coming!

1 Like

Black cats are always welcome !!!
All the love :heart:


Day 11

Purple Diesel Daze (clone)
Europa Seeds

Dia 23

Critical Bilbo X White Widow
King Seeds Spain

Dia 13

Dutch Guarani
Paraguayan Bagseed

Day 54, 3yrs, Day 43

White Widow
Royal Queen Seeds

From the Shelter

Skywalker Haze
Dutch Passion


They’re coming along. Cat looks sweet.


WW, Skywalker, PD and Critical - planning to be mothers. 4 out of 11, so 7 plants needs to be ready to flip, more 3 weeks guessing here, may be a good idea to repot some of these plants. Just to remember: 2 Sky, 2 PD, 1 CW, 2 DG.

Thanks for the vibes!


Plant is flowering since May, 7
So it’s day 01 of week 4
Day 01 of week 5 will be day 30

Did I mention I’m 2 and a half months dry, total TB?

Today is

Day 23 (both)

Purple Diesel close-up

Overview with peppers - Winds are 60 MPH, had to bring it inside.
Purple Diesel (left, in black)
Skywalker (right, in red)

Temp: 71F (21.5C)
Rh: 60%
Water: 72 hours
Pump is broken, so no tea.
I dissolved 1tbsp of bone meal, dolomite, greensand, thermophosphate, kelp meal, oyster shells and mycos in a gallon of water, mixed for couple hours and then water the plants today. Chose this approach instead of mulching, I’m not sure if it’s necessary, but better safe than sorry.


Purple Diesel

Smell is coming, not possible to distinguish yet.
I’m organizing the schedule :date: :relieved::crazy_face:

Very important to keep the notes up.


Paraguayan Sativa (Hybrid, yet, but wild)

Looks way more Haze than Skywalker.


Love the set up!!
Have you ever considered to make a batch of LAB’s?
What I found, I get more, goodies from my organic additives, like kelp, alfalfa, bioalive, guano, and other things.
I also found I need to water much less, a cool side effect.
All starts from a rice wash.


Oh yes, I’ve heard about it in the context of KNF, but I’ve never tried it. I admit I had forgotten about but it would have been a good experience for these plants. I’ll plan to do it for the next cycle, have clones of these plants, and it will be interesting to compare. It might be useful to reduce macro life (springtails and mites) and increase micro life, even though I think this soil is quite strong, dark, airy, with good retention capacity, and more. I added this mix of amendments in the water more out of anxiety than necessity, but in the medium/long term, LAB is a good alternative to boost soil microbiology.

The combination of cloth pots with a watering volume of 10% of the pot has been quite interesting. Little to no runoff prevents soil leaching, conserving nutrients and micro-life such as fungi and microbes. This all helps the soil retain a lot of water for longer. This is living soil. I use a lot of homemade organic compost, have a worm composting bin and feed it with fruit peels like bananas and melons, which adds a good amount of potassium and some phosphorus to the humified material.

Thank you for your tip and for your visit, I’ll be placing it under my radar.


Hey Marz,
This is the link I have followed.

If you go into the site, under the Unconventional Farmer has many items we can make for our gardens.
I also keep red wrigglers to compost all of our kitchen scraps, and since EWC costs have sky rocketed in my area, I decided to make my own.
As I make my LAB’s I do not use all the sugar to stabilize it for shelf storage, but simply keep mine in the refrigerator.
But you are doing it also, and very well, I think.
Take care, and stay green.


Thank you for sharing @webeblzr

Along with Bokashi, also referenced in some UF post, these are the ways to go to decrease usage of some not-so-organic material like bone meal and go pure organic. It’s an old wish and it takes a lot of work to be done.

Yes, the ewc here is made by eisenia fetida decomposing bananas and melons peels. Egg shells are added to the soil and to the composting material for a more homogeneous mix.

What I like in this approach is recycling things. The real organic stuff is made by reusing other organic “wastes”. Side effects are cheaper and healthier plants.

All the lucky :four_leaf_clover:


Repotting day for White Widow, Critical Bilbo X White Widow from seed, Skywalker and Purple Diesel clones. And my Biquinho Amarelo Pepper.

Fun fact:

Purple Diesel clones || Day 18

Purple Diesel clones || Day 18

Both clones were taken together, using same medium, tools and techniques, from same mother. One had a fast growth, two are very slow. Only difference is the pot shape and size, the bigger plant is in a smaller pot (-100ml)

Root ball PD clone before repotting

Skywalker clone root ball || Day 18

White Widow roots || Day 60 (from seed)

Getting shape. This will be a great week. Hope to make some investments in the chambers as soon as possible. I need more lightning gear. This chamber is powered by 100w non horticultural leds only. Probably the reason for the general slow growth.

57% RH
1.13 VPD