Cats of OG let's see those kitty pics

Ginger and Gary, Gingers the grey one.


This cat has been coming by everyday now for 2 months. My wife is always giving it food, and I get it high on catnip :joy:

Such a tease, still won’t even let us pet it :rofl:


It is never going to leave now, that cat hit the jackpot!


Lol, definitely has my wife on lock. Every time she sees the cat she’s running to give it food. I hope one day we get to actually pet the thing :laughing: any tips would be appreciated. She(or he) seems young, a bit timid, but very slowly becoming less jumpy, let me get within 2 feet but an inch closer and she skitters away. So cute though :heart_eyes:


I have had many strays around here that I have fed daily, and they were the same way.
2 feet max, any closer an they back off and or run away. Could never touch them. Other then that they didn’t mind me at all, I could be outside smoking and they’d just hang out.
Unfortunately I think the Coyotes have gotten my fleet of stray cats, haven’t seen them for awhile. :frowning:



His name is MurderCat5000 (it’s on his microchip too haha)


Being patient and letting her hide or stay away if she wants to is the best way. She needs to trust that you won’t try to capture and kill her :stuck_out_tongue: Anything that could be interpreted as confirming her suspicions that this is your plan should be avoided.


Nooooooooo :crying_cat_face: :sob:
The one that was protecting the outdoor trees was such a badass boss kitty too. Hope they find their way home.

@IrishGrows that pic is too cute!

Best cat name ever :joy: he looks like a beast too.

Thanks @LennyB I think another month or 2 and she will let her guard down enough.
Guess who just showed up before I could hit reply? :rofl:




When she was a hang around I had named her Smooth Criminal, now that she is part of the family we have renamed her Tangie.
Tangie had a baby that we didn’t know about until 2 weeks ago. Think we will name it Cotton but not sure yet.


Cats are so cool. Nice


It took about 4 years to completely gain the trust of this sweet boy. He was a feral/neglected kitten that a neighbour was just letting roam around. Mange, malnourished, really feral, sickly, absolutely scared of people.

I coaxed him over to our house with food. We never lock them up and theyre free to go, so they both chose their home. (The other big fat grey one I think is his brother from same neighbour)

Couldn’t get near this little black one for about a year, after a year he’d stop running away if you went near him, another year he’d tentatively let you pat him but could turn feral and bite without warning, another year and he’d come up to you for pats but would still bite, and now he runs up to me when he sees me, is very affectionate, sleeps on the bed, sits on your lap and is mostly fully domesticated now and follows me everywhere. Its been a few months since he’s shown any feral reactive behaviour because you used to see his eyes turn and kill instinct flick on instantly if you pushed your luck.

Ive had a lot of cats over my life and hes the sweetest and most polite cat ive ever had. He doesn’t love being picked up and still acts a little shy around strangers, but he doesn’t bite and scratch anymore, and is becoming very talkative which is great as he was virtually mute the first couple of years.

Amazing transformation from scrawny mangey rat to this amazing black coat with streaks of fire through it and looks amazing when the sun hits. I remember over hearing the neighbours daughter commenting on how gross he looked when he was lying sick in their yard one day, he’s come a long way with some love and patience. I always wanted a black cat and I couldn’t have asked for a better one and the trust-building and bond we now have has been really long and rewarding and probably one of the best relationships I’ve had with an animal after my old childhood German shepherd Molly.

Cats take time and patience and you can’t force anything on them.


@KETAMINE_GRENADE Awesome cat, awesome post.
Bout to make me fuckin cry over here haha.


Yeah I often get all watery-eyed when he’s sleeping on my lap and I look at him thinking how far he’s come and how perfect he is :sob:



OZZY found us 9 years ago 4th of July weekend… he was thrown out by an asshat guy down the road-he was already declawed and neutered…amazing he survived out here without being eaten or hit by a truck.
My chubby little Lounge lizard loves everyone.

This little brat is Goober. She has decided she is my daughters cat, though she likes everyone. She never leaves my daughters room except to use the litter box…
We found her 1 year earlier in the middle of the crossroad a mile from here; half dead from pneumonia and covered in snot (goobers) She has 3 extra toes on both front feet.
If we had a bigger house, there’d be more cats- just sayin’!



My mother just got a Tortie color point from a gal (she’s in the siamese registry, located in El Cajon) I can’t remember the name right now), but her kittens are so cute. She has the color points. Also a lady in Roseville that has the Orientals (and I love the orange tabby looking color). She’s difficult to get tp respond, but worth a try. San-Toi Cattery, her cats are show stoppers (she has pet quality too). I spoke with her a few times, very nice lady, she just was always busy and we never connected. @jerrywil. The cat is the Tortie point my mom got, jer name is Pearl. So cute, what a stinker! Haha :heart:



What? Are you doing in there?