Causes of low smell during flower

I’d have to agree. I change my answer of low temps to boron deficient and breeder stupidity.


The persistence of this individual is admirable :laughing:


I’m currently growing one of those on my terrace…
She’s flowering but no smell…
I regret not cloning her…

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No, it’s genetics.

No. It’s boron def…


You sir have just solved my mystery…
Now It totally makes sense why my bag seed doesn’t even smell a bit…

I had a plant that smelled like garlic, then cake, then nothing. Im pretty sure the breeder got his terps out of sync. I dunno I’m not a breeder, just going by what everyone else seems to agree upon. You need to buy new seeds.

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Say huh?

10 characters

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You ran out of boron mid flower. Garlic and cake terps are well known to be caused by boron. You failed to provide your plant with boron mid flower thus the lack of smell.


Let’s also take into account the PK boosters used exclusively by dispensary growers which also uniquely destroys high and taste by most likely interacting with that pesky micro, Boron.

Such breakthroughs we have been blessed with! Don’t make these mistakes kids!

Separately, is there a record for new accounts by the same person within 2-3 months?


I used GH flora micro liberally the whole grow, didn’t stoop feeding til like a week or two before harvest, slow taper then just water final week.

Maybe the flora micro doesn’t have enough boron? Idk I know next to nothing about nutes


Moron deficiency gotta be. That or temps.


Kind of an old thread but I’ve also heard ( not my own experience ) that if you add more sulfur to your feeding regiment, it’ll increase the terps. “sulfates are the building blocks of pungent terpenes” but idk man this isn’t my own experience. Just some shit I read somewhere.

Plants give much more smells when it is hot. I have one kush that stinks a neighborhood if left without a filter. If they are breeding plants for low smell, then it has to be at the expense of other traits. Not that the least smelly plants are trash, no, just that they are most likely not the best in terms of potency, taste, terps and overall quality, rather they are the best at not giving too much smell.

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Exactly this statement.

Smells do not indicate potency…hotter temps causing the the more volitile terps to melt or “blow up” causing more smell…

My last run wasn’t very smelly outside the tent while it was growing but the basement is chilly and the temp was in the mid 70s, not when I trimmed and jarred it, I can smell it through whereever I put it lol

Round about, just cuz it isn’t smelling alot in the tent doesn’t mean it won’t in the jar

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It ended up actually smelling super lemony and gassy but I couldn’t tell cause I was around it too much I guess. Once someone else opened up one of the jars and I was away from it it hit me in the face lol.

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I have plants halfway through flower and the smell is just starting to leak into the apartment. Didn’t smell until now.

Hot temps in my tents are what I believe is hurting my frost and terps. It gets 85*F in there, and I wish it was 75 instead (lights on). Not enough tent ventilation is my guess, cause I can only use one opening at the bottom of the 4 x 4.

For this grow, I had my tent at no more than 75 lights on (usually about 73-74) and it didn’t really make a difference in frost.

They definitely purpled up a lot due to cool night temps. I think frost is just genetic for the most part, maybe light intensity as well. I use HPS still


I dont know what the cause of your low smell problem could be, but i find that my flowering plants are usually in a bit dryer condition then most should be, so i tend to mist down things with distilled H2o. But when i do this and kick on the HID and up the temps while doing this they fucking absolutely reak. Useful for pheno hunting… but its just heat stress.