Causes of this leaf yellowing?

can anyone suggest what may be causing this leaf yellowing on one of my plants?


Lots of things. What soil you using? What lights? What food? How often you watering? Any bugs around?

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That looks like bug damage to me. Maybe thrips? Is this a new plant you brought in?

Miracle grow potting soil. Im using cfls to veg and leds when start flowering. Only thing have noticed is gnats

Gnats and thrips are similar looking at a distance. You could have a lockout with the miracle grow

Miracle-Gro is a also time release nutrient, and generally doesn’t time correctly with cannabis’s life cycle.


I have a couple guesses…

1. It’s possible its thrips but it’s hard to tell from the pic… thrips cause spotty damage like that but it looks shiny in the right light and I couldn’t tell in that from the pic so check on that

2. Fungus gnats… since you said you saw done I figured I’d throw that one out there. If you have fungus gnats it might not seem like that bad if a bug but when they get out of control it can destroy a whole garden… the feed off roots at the top so seedlings and clones are especially susceptible to them.

3. Miracle grow soil can be a bit harsh but I’ve used it with much success when I first stared growing but it could be as simple as you transplanted on a pocket of fertz and it’s burning the hell out of your plants…

4. PH issues, have you tested your solution that your watering with? Wouldn’t be a bad idea to check the runoff too (don’t test the beginning of the runoff, wait a second then catch some to get a more accurate reading cause the first stuff will throw it off)

Until you figure out the problem it’s hard to help with a solution cause all of those issues would call for different remedies…


Thanks. I will check the ph

I’d try some epsom salts. Magnesium deficiency?

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I was to say ya the same …Check first the pH… If pH is not fine, its the first step…