CBD @ THC home testers?

Are there some reliable testers for flowers that you can test your buds at home?

Does anyone have a good experinces with that?

It could come handy if you breed some landrace strains that are cbd or thc dominant :seedling:



I’ve had good luck with the TLC test kit from cannalyticssupply. It can get expensive if you have many tests to run but it’s possible to source most of the supplies. The only one I haven’t been able to find is the Fast Blue BB dye. There’s a good thread over on RIU on the details of the process. Seems complicated at first but it’s really quite easy. But if you’re just looking for a simple answer to “is there CBD” in this flower then search Beam’s test on here. That is the easiest test to run.


Thanks will have a look at thers web page :+1: are this testers showing only if ther is concentration of differwnt cannabinoids or is ther any scale how strong it is

I have done the beam test. It requires purchasing lye, a precursor to cooking methamphetamine. So I’m probably on a list somewhere. It was easy to do and showed a general sense of the presence of cbd. It was surprising to see that my ACE bubba-hash pheno had a fairly high level of cbd. Others that I thought might have had some did not. Dancehall was high in cbd of course as advertised.


Must look and do some research on that :face_with_raised_eyebrow: thanks

Lye is used in soap making. If you are worried about it have your wife buy it with some coco butter in the cart. She can use it the coco butter for her skin and you can use the lye. Source = I have made soap before with my mom and she would be the most boring person on any watch list for sure.