Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 1)

Iā€™ve ran them for a few grows but I only grow a few at a time so the watering things hasnā€™t been an issue for me. My next run Iā€™m going to have to improvise some pots anyway cause Iā€™m not forking out for 9 airpots when I donā€™t generally grow like that. Iā€™ll keep an eye on differences in watering rates.

Was looking at those Blumat things today but didnā€™t pull the trigger.

How about octopots? I have zero interest in going full hydro and only limited interest in a hydro aspect in general but octopots are calling to me. Feels like a nice way to dip a toe in without going full soilless.


Interesting conversation. Iā€™m going to do some changing up myself. Iā€™m tired of these containers. Iā€™m cutting back now. Tents only hold so much. Do to much anyway. I think thatā€™s what stresses me out. I donā€™t believe is doing this because I really donā€™t care anymore. Trying to do more than I can handle usually messes me up. I put down some last night and this morning. The clones were bad.


@Slick1 check out the ā€œundercurrent evolution hydroponic systemsā€ one of those would be my dream hydro setup, combined with an intellidose automated nutrient/measuring etc. ā€¦ keep dreaming anon, lol

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Anyone ever try doing a ppk?


Sorry if I add or change. I will get off topic sometimes. Sometimes Iā€™ll delete my post. Nothing personal, letting everybody know

Oh yeah if I could have a hydro system that does everything for me Iā€™d be down! :smile: Iā€™ve wanted to do Subcoolā€™s super soil for a long time which is a set it and forget it other than watering. No feeding whatsoever. Pair that with automated watering and it sounds like exactly why Iā€™m looking for. The thing bringing me around to a hydro hybrid setup is @repins12 and how he ran his for months without cleaning it or even nutes in it I believe. If itā€™s that forgiving it gets my attention. Some guys love the mad scientist deal dialing in nutes and balancing it all which is cool if youā€™re down, but thatā€™s not my bag at all.


Pink Panther Kush?

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yeah, his super soil was something i looked at, but it seems like too much trouble to make it.

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Yeah but if you make it to his specs you have so much of it it would last forever. Ok well it would last me and my 3 plants grows forever anyway lol

Iā€™ve used straight Happy Frog and minor nutes and been very happy with the results. Iā€™ve added Ocean Forest to the mix and gotten great results, not great results, and no discernable difference between that and straight Happy Frog depending on the batch of OF. Iā€™m not mixing any supersoil until growing is legal here and I can go nuts but Coasts of Maine will most likely replace OF in my growroom.


@Slick1 yeah, some say ocean forest burns seedlings but iā€™ve had no issues with it. it seems to work just fine, and iā€™ve stuck with it and it hasnā€™t caused problems. maybe a dried out bag or two but thatā€™s about it. i love the feel of fresh moist soil in my hands.


Passive plant killer


Yep, there ainā€™t nothinā€™ like a good piece of bottom landā€¦ :man_farmer: :woman_farmer:

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Thatā€™s what shā€¦ no I just canā€™t finish that sentence. :rofl:


Random mutant leaf


Iā€™m more of an active plant killer, but I usually sweeten them up a couple of months first.


I donā€™t use it on seedlings at all cause Iā€™ve heard stories. If Iā€™m doing an auto where itā€™s staying in one pot Iā€™ll do 1/2 OF, 1/4 HF and OF mixed, and the top 1/4 HF so the roots can ease into the hotter soil. Otherwise for a transplant Iā€™ll do a mix for the first 1/4 then straight OF for the rest.

Who said it was passive? :smiling_imp:

This is the way. Lull them into a false sense of security firstā€¦


so howā€™s everyone doing tonight?



Lmao @Slick1 youā€™re the aggressive plant killer

3 Likes Iā€™m ruthless. I canā€™t even begin to imagine how many plants Iā€™ve killed. Mainly males, but Iā€™ve had to chop my fair share of females over the years. Only the strong survive!!