Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 1)

Well the actual chat thread is going to see some action for the next 24 hours I guess!

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Ive only been here a year, and the pettiness has gotten ridiculous. That whole complaint happened so the thread would get locked imo . Might as well move the fun to a new discord group lol but that would be being petty to I guess

Wellā€¦now the FSFC thread is lockedā€¦again! Damn! wtf

editā€¦ Everything WAS going nicely ā€¦ until.


Iā€™m on multiple other forums and see the same shit occurring. Like I said people have forgotten how to agree to disagree and move the fuck on. Instead of running to the teacher, like a school kid. I thought that we were all adults, if you donā€™t like what you are reading, donā€™t fucking read it. Donā€™t go and eff it up for everyone else, just because you got your feelings hurt or think something is not fair WTF Just my $ 0.02


The important part is that weā€™re all being the bigger person over this, and handling it with style and class.

Heh good to see ya bud. :hugs:


Haha i dont like the feeling that Iā€™m kissing anyoneā€™s ass, it tastes like shit.

I do more lurking than posting now.


Did I miss some drama? :flushed:

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Understandable with some of the things that have been happening.


well itā€™s been fun, but I gotta run lol time to be with my sweetheart! cyas all tomorrow.

too much drama anymore around here anyhow lol


Was busy tearing down a plaster cieling at my momā€™s house.

Sorry if that was my fault guys and girls.

Iā€™ll do better.

100% not your fault bud lol.


geez, someone leave me a trail of breadcrumbs!

I run some errands, come back, old threads locked, new thread locked, no explanation or redirectionā€¦

sighā€¦ Canā€™t we all just get along? (I heard that somewhere lol)

i gotta run back out for more errands and stop for a lottery ticket, dont be getting this thread closed now while im goneā€¦ or at least leave me some breadcrumb trails!


Whatā€™s going on here? I eat lunch, come back, and all the threads are lockedā€¦

I guess Iā€™ll just do actual stuff in my garden, come back tonight and see if things have blown over yetā€¦ :wind_face:

Then maybe some updates on my threads?ā€¦


Brother, I would back off the giving of seeds here. I think it would be a mistake. Letā€™s let the dust settle. Nobody is so desperate they need to get seeds today and if so who cares, seriously. It will take them months to grow them, a day wont make or break anything. Just starting up here is liable to bring all the wrong kinds of attention and stir the pot.


Weā€™re being restricted everyone! Next thing you know theyā€™ll govern over us all. And control what we can and canā€™t see :sob::sob::sob: free seeds!! One dayā€¦ maybe one day weā€™ll receive them once again. Until then! My friends! Itā€™s war! Draw your swords and bongs to fight over what remains.


ahh, so limiting my likes prevents people from running up their little green dotsā€¦

Honestly, I hate that limit, I like shit I like, not because someone asked me to love a postā€¦ Just let me friggen heart a post alreadyā€¦ (btw its 29 mins till I can like yours, and Iā€™m telling ya now, Iā€™m gonna forget toā€¦ And thats why its annoying! this post deserves that love!)ā€¦