Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 2)

Glamis… one day I will head west…

The green monster Bong was bought in Morgantown, WV. Made its way to jersey eventually… electrical tape fixes a break at the draw tube. She’s been around the block for sure…

10 mins till the boys take the stage… what to smoke what to smoke??? Sooo many choices… hmm… purple hash I think for starters :smiley:

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Thats like 1 of tge first pull bowls :bowl_with_spoon: is it not

It is an early pull bowl with the classic aluminum bowl that can be assembled into a chamber pipe…

Funny you should mention that; I was just talking with my GF about the idea of mixing CBD flower with high THC flower.


I have tried it a few times. Some times it seemed to bring it up to another level, sometimes not. Mind you, the CBD that I grew might be hit and miss, dime flower from the top of the plant and some from buds at the bottom. I was planning on doing a dry sift with it and the remainder cook up some edibles. New at all that so we will see what happens. One thing I did last night is to mix two higher THC varieties together, was feeling ok last night but could still be fine around people (if people were around). But this morning I had a weed hangover, took some pain killer for it and was fine for part of the day but it returned this evening. Took something for it again and it only took the edge off. No idea if it is caused by the lack of CBD in the mix oand maybe the pharmaceuticals I am taking for my neuropathic pain? One day I’ll figure it out.

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Both myself and my GF have been through plenty of surgical procedures and she also has chronic ongoing pain issues. I’ve never used anything but cannabis with THC and it’s my absolute number one go to for pain relief, period. She swears by both CBD and THC varieties. I know that the plural of anecdote isn’t data but pretty much everyone I talk to says something pretty similar. I’ve been prescribed various opiates after procedures and frankly I fucking hate them. They make me feel sick, woozy, I can’t shit and for all that THEY DON’T EVEN KILL THE PAIN. So what’s the damn point?!

I’m sorry to hear you have pain issues and I hope you find what works for you.


Thanks. Ten years, I hope so also. That has been enough time.

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I made the top ten for time read! Kind of proud of this, up there with some heavy hitters! Happy New Year OG!


Fuck yah man …get me in lol

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But look who is in the top three!


@Foreigner , it smoked soooooo well in joint form as long as I account the light canoeing during the session as my lack of rolling over the years. Overall, it pulls Earthy with a little floral note on the exhale.

The experience felt like how a cigarette smoker looks when having a casual smoke; if that makes any sense?

To clarify it didn’t come across as the type of smoke that you need to have plans for consuming. This is pure, 110% working class smoke in the best way possible. We smoked, and then felt the urge to get things done.

If I wanted to get “stoned” I may have been disappointed; but if I want a cerebral high that’ll aid in finding my way into a slip-stream approach with doing most anything: this is that!

So I can slot it as “day smoke”, which is actually harder to peg down vs “general smoke” and “night smoke”.

The ultimate in difficult one to find is the “Piss in your laundry hamper thinking it’s a toilet” level fucking you up smoke; but that’s a quest that keeps getting harder the older I get as my tolerance will only get stronger :rofl:

@Qtip , yeah my mind was blown when I saw that I popped up in “Most Replies”, “Most Replied to”, & “Most Likes Received”!


LOL. most of mine is night smoke, I REALLY need more day smoke, and I can totally understand the difference :rofl:

The higher your tolerance goes, the more that becomes a Unicorn :wink: Just sayin… I dunno if I could ever reach that level now, I think I would hit “passed out on the couch” before reaching “Pissin in the laundry hamper” level these days…


My goal is to piss in someone else’s laundry hamper :joy:

I’m glad she worked out for you. I’ve also got an untested northern lights X CM/CO :shushing_face:


Run it! You did real good with the WWxCO!

I’m very excited to run the Bahia Landrace from @Abbbian being sent out by @corey when I have the space to do so. The description of the way it smokes sounds like a pine version of what this WWxCO did for me so it’ll be worth the extra work in working with this rainforest wanting landrace.


Lofty aspirations… But to truly get my admiration, you gotta do it @Slick1 style, and STARE down the owner of said hamper, WHILE you are doing it…


Only topped by upper decking someone’s toilet while staring :smiling_imp:


Short light cycle and a strong light and you’ll be golden. Hell of a day to run out of likes lol

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…and I’ve only been here since May! :joy:

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Wait till I get a full year in!