Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 2)

Go to the search bar put in you first sentence and it will cone uo


Aw man I did that :rofl: I was up late reading through everything. On here and a few other places. It’s so much quicker when you can find someone who has tried it and can tell you first hand lmao I read til I just gave up and passed out :woman_facepalming:


Its crazy to think how much money it cost to run a 4000 watt hps flower room compared to today I know its only 1 Scorpion diablo but for 460.00 for a full run in a house we live in is f awsome
I’ve had 3000 bills for a house I didn’t live in for every 2.5 month of gro in Santa Barbara


So I’m using 1250 kw in 31 days thsts not bad .
This yr i hope to build a semi solar powered grow like my nieghbor, he owns a commercial electrical company and has a full garage roofed with solar panels fuels his huge grow op


Solar powered indoor grow is a dream I have also. That would feel so good


solar would be a dream im all about being efficient and low cost


So they don’t say
Hermi tendencies

Anyone have any experience with cloning autos? Sex reversal with sts? If so, will u please check out my journal :joy: I have some questions :innocent:

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I went ahead and got these today. I know aura uses gas reaper autos for the “quick flowering time”. (In my case, it would be the lemon star on both) Then crosses them with photos. You guys know anything about them? They don’t have much on their insta. I can’t find anything about them really. When I google the other halves of the genetics, I get in house genetics for the “garlic storm” and exotic for the “omfg”

Also, since these have been bred with autos, how would I go about making them full auto? :heart_eyes:

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Grow them out first, see if it’s really worth crossing with.


Happy birthday. I know I’m late. Thanks for the support. One Love

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I did you told me never to call you back. Lol


Yes! For each phone number I sell I get 5 cents in hello kitty gift cards. I’m on my way.

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@MoBilly Wow! Amazing and certainly painful shit you went through. I’m one of those whose mothers would hit my left hand if I tried to do anything with it, claiming “it’s the no no hand, the left one!” due to religious superstitions. I was already used to kicking with my left foot and throwing stuff with my left hand… All the best to you!! Believe Passion Fruit leaves tea is quite calming!! Happy 2022 brother! And the rest of us OGers! Again!!! :flushed: :beers: :herb: :tropical_drink: :clap: :clap: :clap: :pray: :hugs:


I have never understood superstition myself. I don’t know how many ladders I walked under as a landscaper/small contractor.
Wait a minute, that may explain a lot of things if it were true!
Naaa, I refuse to believe that I cracked my skull because I walked under a ladder a month before. I cracked my skull because I did a stupid thing at that time, not weeks earlier. lol


Buddy sent me this pic just now. Had to share.


I will have to cut my tree into 2 x 6ft pieces and drag them out one at a time lol.


How did you get it in there? Is it nailed together? :rofl:

(I see clark griswold being channeled here)


When you go from bored with no plans to roar we gotta go.
Have a good everyone im out.
Anyone in L.A today heres your fun


I’m hearing a lot of negativity out of you sir :joy:

Btw, I found one site w a little info. Dudegrows had the guy on his “get to know your breeder” series. Didn’t tell me much but :woman_shrugging: I’m hoping he used photos from in house and envy lol I guess I’m doing photos next round. I can clone them pretty quick, throw them in flower and see what they’re about. I was wondering about making seeds for the purpose of giving some away on here. I don’t want to make something weird and then send them out to folks :grimacing: