Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 2)

That would be quite something. Be a great snow machine.

But then again what do you do when something like that gets stuck whoā€™s gonna come rescue you a cat?

Either wait till spring or hire an excavator machine I guess. :rofl:
Depends where you get stuck I guess. Could be absolutely screwed.

My playground there are farmers with tractorsā€¦
If you make them happy enough they will drive there tractors an rip your shit out for ya.
Sometimes tow trucks canā€™t get you out. Tractors/farmers are cheaper. :laughing:


Do we have a seperate catagory for vertical growing?
And is it okay if I keep bringing these kind of random questions to chat thread? or if thereā€™s any other place where I should be asking please let me know guysā€¦


The Chat thread is the exact place for random questions cuz! Youā€™re good to go lol


Morning everyone!! @alwaysnoob, take steps back reading this one and youā€™ll find wild stuff being spoken, some wacky, some tame, some nutty conversations (to be expected among stoners!) and whatnot! Feel free to ask, we donā€™t always get to an answer but usually that will be a laugh to crack, no doubt! And in case you donā€™t see what youā€™re looking forā€¦

Quickly did a search a few posts came up!

And whenever you canā€™t find something, here is a good place to place the question!! lol! pun intended! Have a great weekend! Hope it helps!! :pray: :hugs:


Thanks brothersā€¦

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I ask my wife to help me clear snow and she starts laughing uncontrollably. :slightly_frowning_face:


I shoveled the front walk / porch, the back deck, AND cleaned off her car being niceā€¦ And what did I get? A phone call 10 mins into her drive to bitch ME out that our road wasnā€™t plowed yet and all the others in the lake were. WAIT, how does a nice gesture from me turn into a bitch session from her on something I dont even control? (and yes, she was bitching ME out, not just voicing a gripe)

FML sometimesā€¦

edit. I might also add, we live on a flat road, and she has a 4WD 4 door jeepā€¦ USE THAT 4WD DAMNIT


Depending on my sciatica vs my partners nerve pain; we take turns suffering as if we obligated one or the other to do the entire thing that person is down for the day. :confused:


Is this a bad time to mention that I have never seen snow in my life (other than in the freezer lol)ā€¦
Where i live we have 3 seasons summer, winter and monsoon. (We do have spring but itā€™s very short lived I think)ā€¦
And we have daylight for almost 12 hours year aroundā€¦

Reminds me of the time I was in Ft Meyers FLA one December and as a ā€œfun thingā€ for the local kids they ended up renting a snow making machine and on a coolish evening they had made a few piles of snow with lights all around so Florida kids can have a holiday snow romp.

Well, none of the locals knew what to do with the stuff; they had no experience. So being the :canada: watching I carefully picked up a wad of snow and handed it to the closest kid and suggested they toss it at their friend.

And thatā€™s how a bunch of beach rats learned how snowball fights work. (the parents were not pleased with me :rofl)


If you canā€™t control it and itā€™s pissing her off, itā€™s your job to control itā€¦ until she gets annoyed that youā€™re not doing something else she wants, and blames you for trying to fix the first thing because youā€™re too controlling. :wink: Havenā€™t you read the manual? Itā€™s clearly explained on every page that everything is your fault from now onā€¦


Reminds me of a video that a husband gets yelled at for a bee flying over the wifeā€™s faceā€¦:joy::joy:


Well now I know whom to contact in case of unexpected snowfall LoLā€¦

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thatā€™s some toxic shit rooting in issues that are most likely unrelated but now those issues coping mechanisms are so worn down that any little thing may set off the bomb inside.

I know this one well and itā€™s really tough on all parties involved. :confused:

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Yes, because for the past FIVE years I have either been in Honduras or Mexico at this time of year, and this year I am STUCK here. I hadnā€™t seen snow (donā€™t miss it at all) in nearly 5 years either!

I was looking up day length in Mexico and Honduras just the other night too LOL. For Utila, Honduras thats pretty damn near a constant 12/12, whats it sway at most to 13/11? was thinking how that must be interesting growing outside and where autos might helpā€¦

Always thinkinā€¦

HATE the snow and cold. LOVE the islands (and not as a tourist, living there for 3-6 months at a clip is MUCH different than a 1-2 week vacation). When you have a vehicle, pay rent and have utility bills, its no longer a vacation LOL

But stillā€¦ Iā€™d give anything to be back on Utilaā€¦ And not have to look back. If I hit powerball the other night, thats the first place I was buying plane tix toā€¦ Sadly Iā€™m still here in the snow, so we can see how powerball went :frowning:


If you got six inches you better spit it out cause that fuckers not yours :crazy_face:
Just another dusting down this way. Suppose to get more weather Sunday we shall see

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Hello Alwaysnoob. Preference is, if there is already a thread on the topic (which can be found using the search function), is to engage the relevant thread. If there is question that goes beyond a short one-off and there are no relevant topics already started, please feel free to start a new topic. It will keep the topic focused and usually will attract more attention from a wider audience.

Short, quick questions is fine in chat but, as in many instances, some questions / answers repeat or may have already been answered and are better preserved for others when posted within topical threads. The chat room is non-topical. Use your best judgment.