Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 2)

Hey everyone get a load of nerd boy and his fancy science words! Why donā€™t you go kiss one of your robots there SciFi Steve!

I just pictured the bot or whatever malfunctioning and completely ruining contests left and right

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Your mom seemed to like it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Where sheā€™s at, your odor is probably a step up from what sheā€™s use to.
She passed away, yā€™know.

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There was a time where this wouldnā€™t deter me and I would incorporate it but that went very poorly for me once so I will not go there :grimacing:

Use your imagination if you like and know that I would have increased it by at least 15% :laughing:

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Lol! Ya I could see that happening for sure.

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My brotherā€¦ all shitting aside.
I know no malice intended. We are just going on, and screwing with each other.


I think.

Should I keep an eye on my back?

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Thatā€™s downright decent of you.


Gotta keep an eye on more than just your back with him aroundā€¦


Donā€™t be fooled by my Nice Guy persona. You ainā€™t seen the amped up Mike. Itā€™s not pretty.

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Yeah probably keep an eye on it but thatā€™s not new or about this :laughing:

All Iā€™ll say is that in my defense if he had ever mentioned his mom being dead, let alone murdered, I would not have gone there. I wish I was kidding :neutral_face:

Funny right there. But only briefly. Till I realized that you ainā€™t shittin".

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This is why we keep slipping you snacksā€¦ Gotta keep the beast happy lol.



For some reason this is what immediately came to mind



Yeah, canā€™t take that one back. A lesson for us all.

I still have the utmost respect for a reflexive ā€œyo mammaā€ joke, however.

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Lol. Alright I have to go do some defoliation while my daughter has this cat on lockdown. I have been limited as of late with him trying to fuck with everythingā€¦


My mom and I were not close. Not even a little bit. Nor my father. I was just jerking Slicks chain cuz thats what I do. Sometimes I take some things personal, but not the Mom thing.

Me and Slick have been going on with each other like this, for, 5 forevers.


Except for Joey Diazā€¦ look him up on youtubeā€¦ Slick1 is the funniest guys I know. That says a lot.

They were my bread and butter for most of my life but then people randomly started getting sensitive about it so I toned it down. Iā€™m not far off from the age where you canā€™t be sure the parents are still kicking though so itā€™s probably for the best.

The problem I faced is people who couldnā€™t differentiate a ā€œyour momā€ joke from their actual mother. Like seriously? Do you think I really believe your mother is selling herself in the dumpster at the bowling alley and getting her head stuck to the walls from all the semen? Cā€™mon!



Well with the whole smell comment I didnā€™t think you were really all that bothered :laughing: Still itā€™s one thing coming from you about your own mother than someone else.


Off topic here folks!!! Trying the Ghost Rose now! Not even finished drying yet!! Oh boy!! Coughing my lungs out! What a nice puff!! Thanks @ReikoX !!! Keepā€™em coming!! Whoever tried it before knows what I mean!! Damn delicious one!!! :flushed: :birthday: :beers: :sunglasses: :confused: :cowboy_hat_face: :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Now @Slick1 and @BigMike55 can go back at it!! :rofl: