Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 2)

good afternoon everyone


Hey bud, how you doing?

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pretty good. you?

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Doing well bud, just hanging out waiting on a pizza :slight_smile:


Throw something at me when you see me do it bro! I just plane forget where I’m at at times. :blush:

what kind of pizza?

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When I was a teenager I used to actually look forward to people trying to hit me with “your momma” jokes. I may have called a few of them necrophiliacs. My apologies if you were one of them. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey @BERZERK , so here is the thing man, if you did indeed just start those seeds it will be a few months before they are done so you got time to sort out your next run even though this one literally just started. You have acknowledged a number of packs of seeds getting to you and I can’t imagine you have grown them all out and have not seen any journal from you to say otherwise. Now I believe what you have there is auto’s so cloning is not a viable option but 5 plants should still produce tons of bud.

As for seeds for your next run, you are signed up for Subcool Strawberry Diesel x Space Dude F2, Blockhead BX and DragonBlood HashPlant co-op runs so you will have at minimum 30 freshly made seeds in your hands for your next run so that should not be an issue. Just signing up for the co-op runs should provide you with plenty of seeds to grow.

My best advice to you is start a journal we can all follow along with.


Man , i here now just to learn some cannabis technics and be useful when i can.
Im out of trouble
I forgot about 2021 fall seed run.
Good remembered.
I ll use this seeds to this year


Dominos Meetza :slight_smile: Extra cheese, peperoni, ham, beef crumble and sausage.


aw man now I want pizza :rofl:


No :pineapple: !

(seriously love “hawaiian” aka: made in :canada: pizzas but I also love Cilantro and Black licorice :man_shrugging: )

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Cool man, start up that journal as it’s a great way to learn. Folks will follow and be there if there is anything you wish to know.


I do love me a decent Hawaiian pizza but as Johnny Lawrence said “There are 4 separate animals on that pizza, that’s a mans pizza there”. ROFL


Before 9/11 people used to pay a mule to run a few pounds of weed and pills in panty hose with sweats over it and there was no search. Flying domestic coast to coast. Kind of hot though.

I love Dominos.
Hmm…should I get Dominos or Subway tonight…
Subway is closer :thinking:

@DougDawson is an incredibly patient man! That’s all I have to say.

The “oh yeah well what if I told you my mom died?” thing has been the go to forever so I learned to just blow by it and never had it backfire on me. Then when it did it REALLY did. The kid knew me well enough to know I wouldn’t have said all that shit (it got dark, simple necrophilia would have been a Godsend) if I knew he was serious. He looked like he was trying not to laugh but in hindsight I think he was choked up.

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We moved when I was a teenager and started in a new school. A group of guys I had met had me to ask this feller how his sisters dancing lessons are going. They said his little sister is his whole world and would make me an instant friend.
So, I did. And the guy goes, " You son of a bitch."
I was like, “What did I do?”
He goes, “My sister don’t have any legs!”
What do you say? The frickin blood drained from my face. I looked up at him and he was laffing. The other guys were laffing too. All a set up.


Yep… my mom was nice enough to make sure I’d have an excellent comeback for those kind of jokes. I didn’t learn till later that she really was being nice, since her other plans were me for much worse.