Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 2)

Post canada Insufficient postage notice from when it cost 2 cents hahaha

Correction, 2 cents was the amount due…


Are we not gonna talk about your failed experiments :crazy_face:

Thankfully none of those! I over do my testing period to make sure my time isn’t wasted when the big trigger gets pulled. Notice i said “SLASHING”. Yeah, my test square got fucked up from the stab tests so I decided NOT to fuck-up my work with that as we know i’d have to clear blood off it if we did.


Now we know your weakness in battle !
Me and my one buddie use to get high as fuck and use these dull ass swords he use to have and literally have full on fights use to voyage out in the woods and find perfect specimens for a staft and really give her hell …one day we were on acid for like the second time and ended up in the middle of the creek battling it out he ended up going under and lost his brand new glasses for the second time in a month …his mom was pissed


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Sentance is complete.

that is not wire wrapped cuz, it’s a soldered together piece

As a 3rd gen silversmith & gemstone worker of over 35yrs before i retired, I’ve made a few pieces similar and let me tell you lol it is a PITA to make those pieces!


Well damn lol. Thanks for the info.

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Got all the glory garden grab bags ready for those who axed. 5 bags going out in the mail this week all these fun strains some brand new. Il mail them as soon as I can get unburied from the snow.


No cause despite my insistence he refuses to add nipple ports. You just can’t reason with some people.

Two simple nipple ports and it’s a whole new vest…


Sweeeet! Helluva care package there.


Tons of gems in those packs. I too am a dank/skunkaholic! Absolutely love it


That is me as well brother.

Found a troll hiding in my mailbox today

Thank you @DougDawson :pray::grinning:


Anyone else get germination/seedling anxiety? Lol!

Always wondering if they are too wet, too dry, put them in the soil too soon or if I did too much to try and make them happy as a seedling as I put them into the soil. Always the time I tell myself to just chill out and wait a few days, always more seeds to put down if they don’t go… And still I am holding myself back from tossing like 15 more seeds in a paper towel just incase there is an issue with some of these lol… Ooh the pain in my brain… :crazy_face: :rofl: :nerd_face: :crazy_face:


Awesome bud, hope they grow up tall and strong for you :slight_smile:


If I listened to that little voice in my head that says “You’d better pop another one to be safe”, I would be overrun by plants.

I think the voice in your head is a bit louder than mine :laughing:


Lol. Ya that’s the last thing I need to do is panic and pop more. This forum is almost a joke to me, because I literally grow myself into a corner (Overgrow) all the time, be it to many out of sync with cycling into another tent or just growing them too thick and having a complete nightmare to deal with lol.


Alright yall how do I convince my hubby to let me get a bigger tent? and maybe some octopots to fill it? He is the voice of reason in this relationship lol.


I am guilty of biting off more then I can chew too.
Next thing ya know you got a jungle. :rofl:

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  1. Tents are pretty cheap.
  2. We have the space for a bigger one.
  3. I thought you loved me?!
