Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

That’s awesome! That could be a little side hustle right there @Brokehoe. People love when you take the guesswork out of it for them like that. If I was in the market for some STS you’d have my attention!


I know Hydro-Red a bit from chatting over the years and I had no idea he made/sold this STS. Great guy, very knowledgeable and some great genetics


Make sure it’s distilled water bro!!


Solid advice, very overlooked info


The kit is @HydroRed
His genius, not mine :laughing:
He sell them via website pretty cheap.
I don’t know if I’m allowed to post links but should be easy to find.

Yes Red has great genetics. If anyone got any of that last blueberry drop he had, your holding :fire: better drop some water on them soon.

I’m hoping for some great fem beans I know @BigMike55 has a good eye for breeding.


Ya I recognized it instantly as I had a kit sent to me before. But I’m really not into fems or making them so I gave it to a good friend. I know it works though, 100%. Pretty cool that it’s made by him as I had no idea


On second thought, I think the tag was meant partially for @Slick1 . All good.

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You can post links as far as I know cause then you’re just one member showing another member for something. If he were to post links to his own site that’s when it gets iffy because if you’re selling anything and using the OG to do it you have to be a sponsor.

I’ll PM though cause I’m curious.

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Here is link if anyone is interested

If not allowed, @moderators can take it down.


Just as my spring fever, and hankering for outdoor gardening reaches a fever pitch, I am humbled/reminded where I live! :grinning::+1:


Holy crap! I actually hesitated liking that post because well…. Snow but ya , Canada is a blessing as well as a problem at times lol


“Official” outdoor planting time is mid May here but you get a few nice days and I want to get things going. Have lost many, many seedlings to a late frost.


As have I my friend. Usually good for mid May if you are able to bring them indoors in a pinch. It’s so devastating coming out to a row of dead youngins!

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Now you done it, my seedlings aren’t going to sleep for a week now!


Lol, my bad . Apologies :wink:


What gardening zone and latitude are you @TopShelfTrees1? I’m zone 3 @ 54N


6b 43.0896° N

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Oh…the tropics :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I have lots of friends in Vancouver/Victoria and they are zone 9/10.

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Haha the tropics! We are blessed with the escarpment which holds the cool air spring/summer and the warm air in the winter hence the “green belt” but all the water surrounding me at least makes for Constant freezing winds from October to May/June lol freezing! People always comment on my hood always being up. I’m a hoodie collector/connoisseur lol but it’s cuz 75% of the time we have this damn cold breeze that kills my ears if I don’t cover up my head lol

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I have a few buddies up there too, seems a tough climate to perfect OD grows in. I’m so hyper aware that so many people are growing around me that have no clue whatsoever that two years back I cut out a fresh air intake and stopped growing OD at least around my place as I’d prefer my buds unseeded. :confounded: