Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

Oh nice :joy: congratulations !


It was meant to be


I’ve had to take drug tests three times for work before; I never did anything more to prepare than drinking a bunch of tea the day before, never stopped smoking, and I was high when I took all three. I passed all three. :man_shrugging:


It blows my mind that this is even a thing.

“You can have a semen sample but you’ll have to get it yourself.”

Unbelievable. What if you have a prescription? Does that get you a pass?

Glad you passed anyway.


Yeah, this testing is bullshit. I am just weirded out that folks keep passing it. Test is not complicated and pretty accurate. Who knows, perhaps passing is according to concentration in your system as I have no other logical explanation. I would have to see the test results to understand them.


I have things in my piss that are not weed related that employers would frown upon and it’s none of their fucking business and an invasion of privacy.

I’ll give you a piss sample. Open your mouth.


Lmao :rofl: exactly

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This is the first time I’ve ever passed one. I was completely expecting to fail. It was a simple cheap cup test so I have no clue. I drank a monster before going in if that has anything to do with it?


from a movie but I cant remember what one.
Guy goes into the doctor and the doc wants a urine, feces and semen sample. The guys says, I’m in a hurry…can I just leave my underwear?


Also I’m a fairly active guy. I run 5 miles a day (running when stoned hits different) I play on a local men’s rugby team. Idk but either way I passed and I’m happy with that lmao


A lot of places are not checking for cannabis any more. Usually its hard drugs. Coke, Opiates, Amphetamines, etc. We have a huge Amazon presence in Oklahoma City. They do not check for cannabis at pre employment testing, from what I hear.


Most energy drinks are chock full of B vitamins. Not sure what bearing this has on drug testing, but your pee should have a vibrant colour.


It definitely was lol it also has Diuretics in it I think. I drink those 24oz white ultras with zero sugar. It makes me pee just as often as green tea does which is a lot lol. But yeah it was vibrant


I would think they weren’t testing for THC , but regardless congrats. When I was coaching hockey for 10 years (especially when i got into AAA etc) I was drug tested monthly, always scared to death and used everything in my power to squeak by, always did…. Found out 6 years in they don’t test for THC because so many people utilize it medicinally here that they eliminated it. :open_mouth:‍:dash: wish I knew much earlier though. Stoked that you passed though my friend, truly I know the anxiety walking in , even the day before.


I have been known to have prescriptions for these when I don’t sleep.


If they weren’t testing for THC that would be rad. I’m in an illegal southern state though so idk. Thank you btw!

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The best test for THC apparently is the hair follicle test, urine tests can be inconclusive from what I was JUST told. So maybe just lucky IDK but either way it’s great news my friend


Yeah I heard hair follicle tests can go back years and years. My brother failed a follicle test. That’s how I found out he found my stash!! Lol


@GrowTheAtlas r Wow :clap: :clap: :clap: Congrats
:rofl: was about to write, “It’ll surely be positive” and saw the rest of your posts…
Awesome :pray: :hugs:
Probably being physically active does have something to do with it…
Did well my friend…

I would go with them not looking at thc or at least under certain levels as I doubt the tests fail really if administered correctly and I doubt an energy drink would have any effect. The exercise thing would lower the time it stayed in your system as it’s stored in fat but we all have fat no matter how healthy. All that matters is that you passed. Do you have the test, can you see what is listed on it?