Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

Yeah. Thatā€™s the last I saw of him as well.
Thank you

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I can pass a message on to him if youā€™d like .


The first time I ever saw a weed plant I thought ā€œEew, thatā€™s where weed comes from?ā€.

Lots of people like bacon, but they do not want to see how itā€™s made. Young and ignorant me always figured freezer bags of weed just magically appeared from duffle bags, backpacks, and the trunks of cars. I didnā€™t even like eating vegetables, and suddenly weed didnā€™t appear all that different.


Somebody surly needs this set up
I make a killer deal .

1 Like Does it mean youā€™re turning into a vegetarian!? :thinking: :flushed: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Just thought Iā€™d leave this hereā€¦ Bubba Kush at day 42 with SR71 in the background getting faded. One nugget of Trinity was pullling a photo bomb on the closer-end :yum:


I ate vegan for years until one day I ate some hallucinogenic mushrooms and ordered a large canadian pizza. Life is so much better now.

Never tried to put a label on my diet or made a big deal about it, but if people find out you are vegetarian they become desparate to feed you. Making special vegetarian recipes from obscure cookbooks that they would never eat themselves, but they made a whole six pots worth and they want to see you take a bite.

But now? Nobody cares.


Damn mushrooms took my friend lophophora off course! :angry:
Now heā€™s a non-recurring ex-vegan! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :thinking: :flushed: :hugs:


How do you like Trinity? Itā€™s been years since I had any, but from what I can remember I was very fond of it. Some of my greatest adventures were accompanied by a sack full of Trinity.

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Although this cut is a fairly new acquisition, I love Trinity! She is one of the few cuts I have acquired over the years that is good enough to keep in my stable. She has a paranoia-inducing heart-pounding bent that is undeniably exhilarating IMO. Not the highest yielder, so not commercially viable, but a great strain for a personal headstash.


That sounds great!!! Miss that heart pounding paranoid type bud


Same here! The best nuggets I have ever had were all extreme to the point of paranoia. I think its the paranoid ā€œOh sh!+ā€ experiences that are the most memorable :sweat_smile:


Thats so funny! I was a meat eater until I ate a burger in Tahoe at IHOP while on 5 hits of L back in the early 90ā€™s! :call_me_hand: As I was chewing my burger I became the cow chewing grass and the grass growing in the soil and the roots of the grass in the soil and the soil being digested by the roots of the grass and the stars which created the components for the soil during supernova eventsā€¦ :sweat_smile: Anywhoā€¦ Stopped eating meat for around 16 years after that. What a trip


Holy shit! After that, who needs vegetarianism!? :flushed: :laughing: :sweat_smile:


Whoa, transcendant!

My decisions were simply dietary. Iā€™ll bet more rodents are killed by the combine harvesters needed to make veggie burgers than cows are slaughtered by the meat industry in a year. Itā€™s best not to dwell on some things :rofl:


This is in Bobā€™s Burgers lol


lol, If it is they stole my story which I experienced around 1992. I began re-eating meat in 2008. Then again, with everything being interconnected, there is a possibility others have had the same trips! I would have sworn the movie the Matrix was one of those shared experiences :sweat_smile:


I was @'ed and arrived too late. I just hope it was something endearing :laughing:


Lmfao totally safe totally legal totally cool lmfao


Funny, Fully Smokableā€¦LMFAO!