Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)

My kitchen smells like a swimming pool mocha, with the added benefit of being spectacularly clean.

I took a page from @BigMike55 and whipped my butter before it had completely cooled. What a nice colour!


This you should market to Starbucks competitive watersport Moms.

(NOT that kind of watersports!.. that smells different.)


Interesting. I let mine solidify and then drain off the liquid and milk solids that accumulate at the bottom.

Mrs Foreigner insists I do it this way, and make the butter double strength so we can cut it in half with regular butter.

Something to do with better baked products. Not edible wise, but baking wise.


I donā€™t have much of a problem with this because Iā€™m pretty lazy about filtering in the first place. I dump the flower butter mixture into a coffee filter and lightly squish the butter through with the bottom of another glass dish.

Ingredients not shown.

I lose maybe 20% of the butter but the filtered product is pretty homogeneous, even after cooling in the fridge. Very little watery sludge underneath. Iā€™m no scientician but I reckon most of the useless parts of the butter go out with the bud waste.

When it comes down to baking I usually blend a little fresh butter with the weed butter for extra rich buttery goodness. I like baked goods.


Maybe itā€™s just me, but I toss it into a jar with the lid off so it separates and cools, then toss it into the fridge with the lid on. Once itā€™s nice and solid I pulled it from the fridge and put it in warm water so the walls slightly melted the butter in contact with the glass. After drying off the jar I then take off the lid and turn it over onto parchment (or) wax paper and let it firm-up again so I can then cut-off the milk-solids layer. :smiley:

5 Likes You donā€™t drink, you donā€™t drink coffee, wtf!? Do you smoke weed!? I hope!?


Yes, but I like to call my weed coffee because it sometimes makes me cough.


I seeā€¦ Inhalable coughy!! Nice trick! I like both, inhaled or else!!!


Proof positive that OG is a very accepting community!


Is it too much to state I no longer am dependent on air? I use the highly concentrated liquid form for at an undisclosed PPM. Non organic by the way.


You seem to have some milk solids in the bottom of your helmet. i use a mesh bag thatā€™s probably very similar to your filter. The bag just means I get that final squeeze out.

Lots of ways to accomplish the same thing.


Stupidly changed my vape coils to 1.2ohm 12-14w from 0.8ohm 35-45w because thatā€™s whatā€™s recommended for nic salts now Iā€™m furiously pulling this mf trying to get enough nicotine šŸ«¤


Be strong brother :muscle:


Tried switching up about 2 months ago with a similar experience. I wound up having to buy a new battery, mine was broken, y some regular juice. Hopefully it works out better for you. It might just take getting used to, but Iā€™m a creature of habit in my old age.

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Anyone using Aspirin in their water or foliar?

I bought some Aloe Vera from BAS because Iā€™m waiting on my actual plant to grow bigger before I use any of it. I then read about how Aspirin is basically the same thing, and been used by gardeners for yearsā€¦anyway, now I feel silly for the price I paid for the Aloe Flakes :sweat_smile:

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I havenā€™t, but if you donā€™t mind me asking, what does it do? Iā€™m kinda new at this and am curious. Thanks.

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For sure, heres a qoute about Aspirin-
ā€œAcetylsalicylic acid is the active ingredient in aspirin and is derived from salicylic acid, which is naturally found in willow bark and many other trees. This natural cure-all really can boost the health of your plants.ā€

Aloe has the same acid in it. However it also has a ton of other stuff like saponins and vitamins so itā€™s worth it I guess for the other minors, I just am a cheap ass and aspirin is literal pennies on the dollar vs aloe Flakes.

After the small bag I bought, I will probably just do the aspirin water and use my own aloe plant when it gets a little larger. It seems as though the whole plant is preferred as well if using aloe, the skin itself contains beneficials.

Just didnā€™t know if others used it vs aloe or alongside aloe or what have you


Some folks just use willow bark.


Good morning everyone!!
Hi @Dr.VitaminGreen! I wouldnā€™t be surprised it provides a lot, in terms of benefits if the relation is there (Acetylsalicylic acid and salicylic acid). It does make me think, ā€œwell, not everybody reaches for an Aloe Vera leaf when they have headachesā€¦!ā€ Still, I would be cautious to even compare it to when we use the real source, the plant in this case. I know your problem is availability, and soon youā€™ll be solving it, especially if your aloe is in the ground and has room and conditions to grow. At least it comes in handy once being the last option. I happen to use, whenever in a pinch, baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate to up my ph. Although salts are not necessarily good, it is an optionā€¦

Hitchhiking on your question, has anyone had any experience on excessive use of aloe vera (in this case, fresh, blended with water and sieved) and mixed with nutes and water for the plants!? I mean, up to a point it is absolutely beneficial, but at what point excess would turn things south, harm the plants!? Hope I made myself clear! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
After all, I believe one shouldnā€™t trade a whole apple for its separate parts, claiming theyā€™d provide equal benefits, regardless of seemingly ā€œcontainingā€ all parts from the whole fruit. Great day OGers!! :hugs:


@Dr.VitaminGreen , I just got a sample of this stuff and am excited because it means I donā€™t need to bother my neighbours for willow bark to make tea :smiley: