Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 3)


I got some special pollen in the mail today. Not gonna mention names yet, but the person who sent it is just FRIGGEN AWESOME. Perfect timing. You know who you are, and I thank you from the bottom of my heartā€¦

All I can say is its gonna make some STELLAR SEEDS!!!

I really planned to shut down the grow for a bit after my GDP and BB were done, but this one more run is special and was a no brainerā€¦

CANT WAIT till late Oct nowā€¦ UGHā€¦ time will fly though, Iā€™m sure!



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What special strain you planning for oct? Or is it on a need to know basis?

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@DesertHeartGardens I was catching up here and saw the news about your tube.
Condolences my guy, weā€™ve all been there, but it sucks every time!

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Strictly need to know, super skunk works, top secret clearance required, And your ovaltine secret decoder ring. Donā€™t forget the ringā€¦

Project is currently under way because I am stuck here for a few more months. Iā€™ll be finishing up at the end of Oct, not starting yet another! (I wanna move sooner rather than later! take advantage of this market to sell my house, but gotta wait till gf ties up some work crap).


Has anyone here ever tried the ā€œautomated irrigation kitsā€ on Amazon? If so, did they work?


I thought about it but stopped as i read a lot of mixed things when you use anything but plain water.

I see all good things about bluemats; so if i go auto watering iā€™ll prob try those first.

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Iā€™ve read all kinds of things about blu mats as well lol one little bump and it messes up the carrots then you have a house full of water. I think Iā€™m too clumsy for that :joy: most of my babies never made it out of solo cups without being knocked over at least once :woman_facepalming::rofl::rofl:


Yeah, Blu mats take a minute to get dialed in right. They work really really well if you can get the up amd running though


Iā€™ll still keep them in mind. Iā€™m just really wanting something I can put on a timer and have it water for me. Thatā€™s all :rofl: I can still catch run off and empty it once a day instead of watering and dumping 3 times a day. It makes me feel like Iā€™m babysitting lol

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I still have a while before I can even grow anything. I guess thatā€™s my problem. Too much time on my hands to think about it lol


Yup, those racing thoughts will get you in trouble amd before you know it you have 4 or 5 systems you bought the intro pieces for lol


Interesting news tidbit. Tommy Chong just got awarded a Lifetime Achievement Awardā€¦ for his decades of work in the ā€˜Industryā€™ He was pictured cradling about 1 pound in a tied turkey baggie lol


Lmao thatā€™s why Iā€™m wanting something simple. Like you just water these for me and Iā€™ll take care of everything else in the morning lol


The answer to that is simple. You do up a super soil mix that has everything the growing plant will need for itā€™s relatively short, but productive, lifeā€¦ Then all you need to do is water it.

lol I say ā€˜simpleā€™ cuz, but thereā€™s a lot of prep and maintaining involved in that method being successful.


ā€œSorry Tommy, we ran out of trophies. Hereā€™s a bag of weed instead.ā€ :joy:


Lol!! I have so much jacks that I need to use tho! And I love the way they grow in coco. Even when I grew in soil, I just bought the miracle grow in the brown bag and added perlite and worm castings lol when I started growing photos, I started playing around with dr earth. Thatā€™s it tho.

I just want to be able to do other things. Thatā€™s the problem :joy: my babies want me around all the time :woman_facepalming::rofl:

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