Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

Hey @sprinklememaynee i know for a fact we are of a similar mindset hobby wise by your sticker selection. Awesome :clap:t2:


Amazing! If I had known I would have sent a bunch more along those lines! Next time :slight_smile:

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Dude, lighten up!

I have a 14 year old at home that’s 6’3", so I understand your last comment, but I’d never call him a “young boy”…lol

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Wow, that thing is really packed with diodes. I have to wonder if there is any point to having so many :thinking: I did my last run with a Mars FC 6500 which has around 1/3 the diodes and it killed it in a 4x4. My current run is happening under the FC 8000 and it’s got more then the 6500 but still well under half of this Chilled. Interesting, thanks for the info man :slight_smile:


My boys were young boys until they became young men at 16…. No need to lighten up didn’t faze me, just letting you know it was unclassy imo, have a wonderful day


Love it!
Going to another Expo soon. I’ll be sure and pick some up for you!

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Man, I just checked their best 6 bar that is in that screen shot above and it’s night and day count wise. That one only has 1770 diodes total compared to the 8208 for the Ultra. That is a huge difference.


You truly are the best @Bobgrows :pray:t2: Thank you again, wish you could have seen my face peeling the back off of that maddfarmer one, I was STOKED!


Insane difference!


I love my MADFARMER!! :green_heart:

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Oh and I just sent those stickers to you bud so you got more coming :slight_smile:


Sweet! I’m thinking our mail is wicked slow lately I still haven’t got those black snow. And I sent stuff to the US that was supposed to already be delivered in the states. Hasn’t left the province yet smh. Gotta be the trucker strike I suppose . Sucks though. Thanks bro


My comment was not meant to cause any offense.

I’m sorry it did, I apologize.


Buying shoes must be a ton of fun!

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So the moms traits are stronger? @BigMike55 actually hooked me up some dbhp but I’ll be growing some of the Frankenstein crosses eventually too! Also I’m trying to learn as much as I can about crossing different strains lol

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I have enough trouble finding a decent 13 triple E, I feel for those bigger. There are more of them every day. Thank you world for filling our food full of growth hormones and assuming it would not affect everyone.

EDIT: now I don’t have any scientific data to back that up, fyi. I just see kids getting much bigger with every generation and evolution at this speed seems very unlikely.


It seems right now we’re buying him a new pair every two weeks!


Nowadays we’re growing genetically modified kids!


Good gracious! I find it hard enough getting 11.5 in stores, my condolences.

I think shoe shopping is tough on almost everyone, except for all those size 9 people whose shoes are always in stock.

I remember what that was like. Sorry Mom!

I might have some more for you soon.

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