Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 3)

I kinda figured, :wink: but I love the song too! :grin:

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Best was when I had my youngins singing it with me…way back before they knew what they was singing about! :rofl:

Yeah lol I do too but i used to listen to them live when they were pure ‘outlaw’ and no radio station would play their music! lol Then they came out with ‘The cover of the Rolling Stone’ and it was all over. they sold out and went commercial/cleaned up their act. lol I prefer the original group

Belly Up’ is my favorite album by them

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While I am a classic rock kinda guy, this one still should be on your hard drive Johnny… Just because…

I always laugh when I hear it… And ya cant help but sing along.


I like that one too lol and it’s also in my library!

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LOL, I have been known to live it…First vid is from a movie called Rude Awakening, a must see for all IMO.


Are we all high or something?lol If not …GET THERE FAST!


(takes a hit)


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@DougDawson you really collect pens eh. Heres the only old one i have and I’ve had it since I was a teenager. It says gold filled and its made by Whal Pen.

it looks like the kind that sucked up the ink, its got a little pump type thing.


For sure! But maybe you can catch them when basement grows them. I think he will be able to get to them before I can. I have some photos going right now and I have very limited space :woman_facepalming: Plus I plan on cloning and making some crosses w those as well so I have my hands full for a little while.

How many seeds do you make per year if you had to guess? :laughing:

I used the joint as a kickstand or the pen would roll away, im gonna do a magic trick and make the joint disappear :+1:t2:


Nice, what’s the nib look like? Does it have a lever for pulling the ink into the bladder? Whal-Eversharp made some really nice stuff back in the day.

Yes it has a little handle

the tip says 14k on it.


Nice, I did some work an a bunch of nibs over time. They used Gold, steel, rhodium, titanium. Some incredible intricate work goes into making a good nib that functions well. Also a rule, never let anyone use your fountain pen, lol. I let a promotor use my 50’s model to sign his name and it took quite a bit of messaging around to get it back to writing correctly. Have you filled yours recently? The bladders tend to dry out and crack causing leaks over time.

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It’s been dry forever, it would probably need restoration. This is all a little strange, I was on Facebook looking at dumbshit and someone on marketplace was selling a pen for $150. I come over here and all of a sudden im talking about pens. :open_mouth:

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Yes I feel your excitement! I have been working on the room this winter and have done major cleaning and making the space better. Got a new 5x5 set up all ready to put together and will get some help this weekend. So yeah looking on what to start with, @Banquo’s fems should be sweet! I have some great varieties I have received from our friends here on OG. Glad you are here and cumulative thanks and shout outs to all friends here who have helped me over time to learn the way to go


It’s amazing the price some of them fetch. My Meisterstuck Diplomat and La Grande both go for stupid amounts of money, like over a grand. I have a Cross made from Lapis Lazuli that goes for stupid money as well. The Gold Mont Blanc’s are also horribly expensive. They are nice to write with though.

Probably the first time I looked at it in a couple years. I like little antique novelty stuff. This pen came from family, I like to think it my have written on something important maybe.