Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

Nice! I was at a jugglers’ party one time when Dimitri showed up. I can’t remember what his real name is, but I remember he was smart as could be, really gregarious and so much fun to juggle with! One of, if not the, best jugglers I’ve ever had the pleasure of throwing with. That would have been about 1989 or 1990.

Yeah, I never rode a uni even though I owned one for a few years. If I’d been 20…

OMFG, you should so watch this! All two hours! It is pee in your pants funny as well as being simply a great show. Every actor is a vaudevillian and a musician. And yes, it’s really William Shakespeare, starring The Flying Karamazov Brothers on Broadway! (Have I mentioned that I’ve seen them juggle fire naked? Multiple times! HA!)

I wonder if Andy Sapora is in this show?!!!