Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

You need to keep looking up, both my sightings that could be nothing else were both in daylight. One was a silver ball zig zapping across the skyline the other was a black circle just running a straight line going in and out of clouds. Both times I was looking up at other things when they caught my eye.

I have some night vision binoculars that I use at night. There is not much light pollution here so clear moonless nights are perfect for sky watching with them. I have seen many at distances you canā€™t see without aid at night, but its not quite the same as daylight with natural sight. My night vision does record video as well so I am going to start practicing finding the record button in darkness without taking my eyes of the object. My hands shake a lot so I really need a tripod to get a decent video, but tripods donā€™t point up enough really. I might make something when I have time.

A lot of people on YouTube do the recordings and just switch it on pointing it at particular galaxies and go to bed then review the vid later on.


Thatā€™s just pixel artifacts from the 5.0x digital zoom on my phone.

I could see the thing semi-clearly with my own eyes and it looked like a balloon about the size of a refrigerator or car.

I was being sarcastic when I stated it was eerily silent. It was absolutely being carried by the wind, the object was just far bigger than anything Iā€™ve ever seen floating by.

Not sure if it was a scale model blimp out of control or a lost balloon. Either way it looked expensive.


Good news. Danny Masterson sentenced to 30 with an L.

Good riddance!


I love stuff like this!

There are some fabulous pictures here! Hereā€™s three I particularly liked.


Fuckin Rapo piece of shit.


Canā€™t put a like on that one @Calix, Iā€™ve been down that road. Good you caught it fast. I had my sump go out and flood the whole basement, I was going out to get the trim after we just had the carpet installed and went downstairs to get something and stepped off the last step into 7 inches of water. Looks like you have it under control now. Good luck with your next project.

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Thank you.
Appreciate the response.

I deleted the post just then - itā€™s still in my journal

Thatā€™s tough break for you !

Itā€™s impressive how we handle things under pressureā€¦

Iā€™ did. Fair bit of cursing. Iā€™m just super glad I didnā€™t work all day doing physical labour to Come home to it

I managed to shop vac and mop everything in a few hours.

Called a few plumbers for emergency however I remembered I had a insurance plan on the furnace n boiler.

Will repost a pic now.

Iā€™m hearing these tanks are around $3000ā€¦

Take care and thank you


Thanks, It was almost 30 years ago now. Life sure happens fast. :peace_symbol:


YUPā€¦ :sob:

The missus and I needed to replace ours last winterā€¦ in Canada that means 3000+ installed where I am so weā€™re taking it the long road monthly for a few years. Weā€™re not going anywhere.

If anything the other tank was 30 years old and was still working other than a irreparable leak. :man_facepalming:

All the best with this frustration @Calix


Check out this deal!




Does anyone know where i could read about jd shorts claims that bubba kush comes from blueberry? apparently he is taking down his posts today. i dont want to wade through them. where and what did he say on the topic? would appreciate any and all help in this

I need to pickup a cold fogger for various applications. Iā€™ve been looking at many makes/models and am trying to find something for under 100$ :canada: :dollar: if thatā€™s even possible.

Anyone have any recommendations? A lot of the cheapo ones have 50% reviews that say ā€œStopped spraying after 4 usesā€ and the suchā€¦ but people are also stupid and Iā€™ll only be using this thing with H0Cl so thereā€™s no particulates what-so-ever.

Thanks for any help OG Fam Growmies!

:grin: :v:

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If you use chrome browser it now shares browsing history with every website you visit:

This is hating privacy throwing it in the trash can. Use firefox or hopefully brave wonā€™t use it.

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overnighted a new keyboard last night because my keyboard kept dyingā€¦ my dumbass forgot wireless keyboards need fresh batteries now and thenā€¦


Damn, you got got! :joy:

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Some.chitty luck.

Checked my business credit card today.

Noticed a $1296.60 charge from Friday from

ā€œflavour beastā€

A vape juice companyā€¦

Called the fraud depth. Flagged it

And then they asked if i tried to spend $8000 ON

I said no! Definitely not

That was declined due to being above available funds. . Itā€™s a new bn card.

Iā€™m just wondering how the fuck my business card got compromised

I use it for a service company that does my waste management, and for a supply store and at gas stations.

And purchase a few tools from the websites onlineā€¦

The vape juice was being reversed because of insufficient information . I guess the address / name and suchā€¦

However they had the card # and the 3 digit security code.

Card is now canceled and a new one otw.

I would like to find out where the purchases were attempted to be made from

Will I have to open an investigation ? Or will. Nothing happen where itā€™s all been handled.

Iā€™d still like to catch the slimey fucks and make them drink the vape juice


Could be the gas stations. Good thing you caught it. These things happen. Theyā€™ll never be caught.