Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

Itā€™s so easy to get that information. A restaurant employee with questionable ethics, people who do the books for companies, etc. I had my card compromised, and someone made a $2K purchase at Home Depot. Filled out a report, they had the guy on camera, but there wasnā€™t enough detail to do anything about it. Most banks allow you to set a daily or one time purchase limit. Thankfully, the bank took care of everything, but you should make a report anyway.


Thatā€™s totally fucked up. Random gas stations seem more likely than regular clients. I seriously hope you find the culprits, but this stuff is so common that I doubt you will get satisfaction.

Iā€™m outta likes, and I donā€™t much like it either.


This just clicked

I use a payroll app/software that was billed out /pending same day as the chargesā€¦and a half hour after the fraud charges.

**I think they are fine
But mainly clicked as ill.need to update my payment info with them as the cards been changedā€¦

What got me caught up is the Vape Juiceā€¦and I believe Flavour Beast is canadian ?

I donā€™t see it being a Local jobā€¦as criminals here are not that smart.

Maybe vape juice is popular for resale
ā€¦and furniture has always been a go to for fraud with credit cards, so that part is professionalā€¦

I wonder if the merchant in question would cooperate with bank for the investigation/ where it is being delivered too ,
At least Where the online trans was made from

Luckily everything is handled. ā€¦ waiting on reversal of the vape juice


In my case, I think the bank required me to report it before they would cover the loss. Then it pretty much becomes a case between them and LEO.

What I couldnā€™t understand is how he made the purchase. They said he did everything online, so he had all the numbers and security code, then went and picked it up. Iā€™ve done this before, and they always asked for my driverā€™s license. I didnā€™t talk to HD personally. Once I made the report, it was all LEO from there, but I always wondered if he asked the same question.

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Could be as easy as asking the "right"employee to get your order.

I picked up a $3500 metal break at home depot in May , clicked online that i was in the store ready to pick up and I went to customer service, found a young guy, he looked at my phone. , went into the order/pickup area behind Customer serviced. And wheeled it right to me. No drivers license asked !

Who knows@

Iā€™m terrified now with all this going on .

Some of these cats are smartā€¦

Im going to insist on an investigation be carried out.


If the card is backed by Visa, youā€™re good to go. I like that I can set limits through my banking software that prevent someone from making too large a purchase. I think the default is $3K a day, but I can set it to whatever I want.


Whatā€™s really strange is how they got the CCV codeā€¦I mean, a ripper at a gas pump canā€™t get thatā€¦can it? :thinking:


Itā€™s my understanding itā€™s not encoded anywhere on the card. Just printed. So perhaps not a gas station.

I believe thatā€™s correct. Itā€™s not even embossed.

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They use little cameras too.


I had my card cloned some how, they booked 4 first class airline tickets from Halifax to Winnipeg at 2700 bucks each.

I reported it, they said they would send me a letter to sign and I had to fax it back and had a week from the time I reported it to complete the fax. It took 6 days before I got the letter, so I was panicking it would not arrive in time. Managed it though.

I said to the guy will the police be waiting at the airport for them to show up, he said nope, we just write this money off, itā€™s not worth the hassle of trying to find them.


This is churning up nightmares of when my account was drained of every penny I had to my name like a week before closing on my house. Imagine having closing and down payment money in your checking account and then your card gets declined for insufficient funds on a pack of cigarettes.

For all the scummy shit wells Fargo does, they told me ā€œNo problem. Weā€™ll put that money right back. This happens all the time and weā€™ll never catch who did it. Have a nice day.ā€


Imagine trying to buy one (1) beer and discovering your ex wife has drained all your accounts.

But I hear you in the house one too.


Weā€™re all friends here, be honest.

Winnipeg? Sounds like they got whatā€™s coming to them.


Haha. Oh no man. What was the outcome on that one? I imagine that scenario could get a little muddied up in the resolution department.


I was pissed. It tried the card a second time. Then I figured it out. Then I paid $2 in my credit card.

Then I bummed a smoke from some guy and gave him my whole life story.

It got sorted in time but shutting down my account is a bitch move.


So is that on par with inflation?


Iā€™m going to be very generous with myself and simply say Iā€™m bad at math.

What I can say is it is an uncirculated bill, number A 00000185 A. Seems like itā€™s a pretty early bill. Iā€™m actually surprised it didnā€™t sell for more given those two facts.


The buyer got suckered by over 100% lol.