Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

I bought some crypto in 1934 and have made a killing.


Who would have guessed they were going to destroy those enigma machines.

I was joking but I really appreciate you coming back with real facts and figures.

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Ackshually this piece of paper only holds value over $10,000 in some weird secondary market. This foolio paid 50 times the face value. Lols.

Sorry bros. I’m all out of likes for a few hours. Just know that I’m sitting here loving every minute of this nonsense!


“I’m using all the electricity in Kansas City for my mining mofos!”

Turing the Enigma machine complex was forbidden.


Of course there’s no Turing the complex. It would probably be very stinky. Turing is dead.

That was very nice. :+1:


A stinky mystery wrapped in an enigma. I used to be a nerd. But now I’m cool. Yeah…

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Encased in a complex. The plot thickens.

No more likes for 3 hours. Fuck.


The complex is really just a room so it’s not much of a complex. Now I’m getting a complex complex and it’s affecting my complexion!

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I completely comprehend. blush

I also have to start paying attention to my developing breakfast…

(Bacon is done and in the oven, so to speak and literally! HA!)


ive never been the type to go to community meetings outside of the events wed throw as a kid but im very close to showing up to the local assembly and questioning them at length about what theyre going to do to protect the vegetation in my area from disease. septoria is out of control, every tree at the park is dead, you can clearly see it spotting on all the leaves, everything under them on ground level has mildew. people here say oh its ok thats just oregon for you but uh thats bs i lived in coastal bc, northern cali where the sun never came out and this is just pure negligence, im going to take a pic in a bit for joe of a gourd that this guy has growing into the sidewalk that is completely covered in mildew, in front of his business/home on an insanely busy street. im close to militant.
thanks for reading or not, i feel better now.

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You know what you are doing as expected!

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Yogi Berra died today in 2015.

“I can see how he (Sandy Koufax) won twenty-five games. What I don’t understand is how he lost five.” I saw Koufax a lot growing up in L.A. and having a box. He really was amazing.

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What’s an acceptable age to start wearing suspenders with your jeans?



52 :rofl:


Damn that feels right. Well I guess it’s another decade of ill fitting belts… shit. I’m gonna hit my wife with the Nike Monarchs, suspenders, and V necks all at once. Gonna try and throw her body into early onset menopause.


I remember my father got a Sandy jersey and I got pasta sauce on it or some shit. Lol I still feel bad for doing dumb shit like that as a kid.

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I knew you were 42, I remembered you mentioning it.

I can picture you now. The guy with a wife beater, blue jean cut-off shorts and tube socks with colored rings while wearing sandals :slight_smile:


Hahahaha. No bullshit I was on another forum just a week or two ago asking some one if they still made those knee socks with the colored stripes at the top. They told me try :joy: I guess I could also bulk buy some glass roses with my socks to complete the outfit.

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I’m getting quite the mental image over here…

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