Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

Temu is way better!

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This is the title spider. This was apparently not taken under an ultraviolet/black light. Normal lighting. Pretty cool looking spider.

There are a couple of other photos of different spiders as well as a short story about how relatively rare blue is in nature.

Just wanted to say: WOOO!!! :partying_face:


Saw that, glad there are some silver linings about, cuz them peeps are in for it. Gonna have to fight very hard, to keep their land and heritage.


I damn sure hope there is intelligent life out there because we are sure limited in that respect on this planet

It’s gotta be something in Florida water that makes people there do so much stoooooopid shit


That thing looks pretty sophisticated, and I have to wonder how much it cost (and where he got the money) to build that floating death trap. I have a difficult time seeing a stoner doing that! HA!

There are a whole bunch of other really beautiful photos at the link.


I don’t know what they’re called but the “art carpets” which are designs on the ground made out of flower petals in Central America during Semana Santa were impressive in a similar way.

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There’s a link to some of Andy Goldsworthy “leaf art” at the end of the article at the link. Crazy beautiful!

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Ephemeral. Impressive. Only meant to last a few hours then scattered to the wind.

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For me, at least part of the beauty of Goldsworthy’s art is it’s ephemeral nature. Here now, gone shortly.

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On top of the “art carpets” the pageantry was amazing. I remember the guy who’s job it was to use a long pole and push the electrical/phone lines up out of the way so the floats could pass through. Just one big week long party.

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The fact that what you are describing is not made to be “art” makes it just that much more beautiful.

That’s an interesting question I’m not sure I’ve ever seriously considered. For an item (or whatever form it may take) to actually be “art,” does it have to be consciously made as such. In other words, does the maker have to believe the item’s reason for being is art, or is another person’s eye/opinion what determines if it’s art.

That sounds like the perfect reason to make “art.”

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I was having this conversation with Mrs Foreigner about ephemeral art. Specifically the shit all on my coffee table as a window into my existence and as such is art.

A famous artist (can’t remember which one) did an installation in such a way and the cleaning lady thought it was just a bunch of shit on the table and cleaned the whole thing up.

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Probably was just a bunch of shit on the table. It’s the way of art. The cleaning lady probably did 'em a favor, making room for more new crap, er, art.


A window into my life.


A window above a table into your life. I do like your priorities. The most important stuff appears the most accessible.

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It’s a pretty fair glance into what I do.

Don’t let that dang cleaning lady in!

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