Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

Good Karma to you, AZ. Way to represent the community.

A testament to your true character :slight_smile:


Somebody threaded Punkā€™s Not Dead. Itā€™s not that punk is dead. Itā€™s that itā€™s no longer allowed online. Like prayer in school or something. Anyone who says anything that might offend anyone anywhere is being ā€œedgyā€ and can just be reported and silenced. :man_shrugging:
People deploy it like itā€™ll never blow back and then dialogue sucks a little more for everyone. Which is great if youā€™re an authoritarian trying to minimize your own risk and any seditious dialogue. Itā€™s like the universities full of people who live in a ā€œsafe spaceā€ and never actually have to contend with being made to confront uncomfortable feelings and ideas. It has to be someone elseā€™s Fault if they have those, and someone elseā€™s to deal with. So, thereā€™s no dialogue. Because thereā€™s none that will offend no one anywhere. Thereā€™s not even men approaching women in the physical world anymore. They donā€™t want to be sued or posted online or one swipe right out of three apps worth of gamified options. So weā€™re just corporately socially engineered camps of increasingly polarized idealogues willing to sacrifice one another to The Cause they say serves the people theyā€™re willing to trample. Because thatā€™s whatā€™s left when contentious dialogue is off the table. Thatā€™s whatā€™s left when peaceful resolution is against the Terms of Service and thereā€™s someone to step in dictate the Appropriate Conclusions.
Then weā€™re left with people saying bullshit like ā€œItā€™s clear we just canā€™t reason or get along with Opposing Tribe! They donā€™t support The Cause and so donā€™t even care about The Issueā„¢ā€
like weā€™re not all crowding on to the same city busses, sharing the same spaces, joining where our purposes overlap, and diverging where they separate with collission being the rare exception in that flow. If that isnā€™t coexistence, I donā€™t know what is.
No, it all happens. Itā€™s all possible. What works flourishes. But then people who want to say how it should go smash their iron thumbs into the flow of spontaneous order. Like cops who arrest people for feeding the homeless so the state can keep saying, ā€œSeeee? If we didnā€™t take your money for this, no one would do it.ā€ Bullshit. Every solution not BANNED emerges of its own accord. When its allowed to.
So, oh yes, itā€™s out there. The spirit of resistance is alive. The Bladerunners of the UK can tell you that. No, youā€™re just not allowed to hear about it. They donā€™t want us talking real shit. Thatā€™s why posts like this donā€™t last.
Anyway, awesome skyline :smile:



I remember my first trip :slight_smile:




If you want to approach a woman in real life I suggest the highly strategic tactic of saying ā€œHi.ā€


Remember to smile! You look better when you smile @Foreigner .



Well Iā€™m not very good at a welcoming smile but I do have a pretty good evil grin.


That one works differently.


I found it depends on how the woman is dressed. Casual dressers respond more positively to causal introductions. That said, thereā€™s nothing wrong with moving up in society. (I made a conscious decision long ago to remain low on societyā€™s scale, even though all of Mrs. motaā€™s class is high and mine is low.)

If the woman is clearly outta your league, I suggest the more formal ā€œhello.ā€ Matched with an evil grin, this may astound her to the degree she actually responds in kind, and once sheā€™s done that, all thatā€™s left to do is reel her in.


Is that how itā€™s done. :rofl: @Foreigner married his childhood friend.


Mine farted loudly and her aerosol ass-biscuits flooded the room killing all butt me which is exactly when I knew she was the one for me. :heart:


That is a good sign. Initiating the classic ā€œdutch ovenā€ is also a really good sign. :skunk:

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Livinā€™ in the moment! Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about!


When they respond, ā€œOh thatā€™s a good oneā€


True fact: I used to be a big slut.


Look at you now. Grew up to be a hash slut. :fire: I have to go pick up my trim buddy. Duty calls.


Me too bud, me tooā€¦


I take it heā€™s part of your crew?


Hey man got any hash? Iā€™ll do despicable things.

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Speaking of suckā€¦ :face_vomiting: