Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

I used to think free speech was important until Covid happened and we actually heard what everyone has to say when there are no consequences.
Couldn’t give a shit if people feel comfortable online anymore, it’s made them too comfortable being dicks in the real world. Discord is also a cancer turning everyone into soft gossip queens living in a delusion of grandeur.


When I took Peyote some years ago I asked what I had to do because at the time I thought I had to change the world or rather the people somehow.
The message I got was “They are fighting themselves / against themselves”
I had to think about that phrase a few times and it fits here also.
The urge to censor other viewpoints and objective truths is a facet of denial and the certain recipe for disaster and destruction.
I have witnessed it many times in my personal life and I am witnessing it at a societal and systemic level now in an unprecedented form. It is tragic and somehow comical.
It is a very big psychological problem that has already brought the societies to the brink of disaster and will be the downfall of them and the people that support them.
Sadly they will take everything with them but I guess that is the price that we all have to pay for the failure of some people to accept their own insanity, fallibility and mistakes.
After the trip my urge to change people slowly faded away and I now see that
I don’t have to do anything to change or abolish the system and the people that are the backbone of it.
They are doing it themselves and to themselves and I can lean back, eat my popcorn and chuckle at the insanity and idiotic things they say and do to destroy themselves without noticing and even to the contrary completely convinced they are right and digging their hole deeper and deeper just fine without my help, being the problem and the solution at the same time in a way.




Only dude that rocks the trim with me every year. Brutal work. Most can hang.


Starting a new job today. Working legitimately in the cannabis industry actually cultivating plants :slight_smile: Sure, its a corporate MSO, but thats ok. I finally get to do what I truly enjoy. BOY do I wish my parents were alive so I could say “SEE! You said these skills would amount to nothing, and you were wrong! na na na na!” Actually kinda excited to work in a production sized facility. Hoping my existing background knowledge helps promote me a little. Seems like it will be a fun place to work, definitely looking forward to the opportunity!





One of my catchphrases I invented
“Follow the lemmings” to describe Americans self destructive “petty wars” as Barlow and weir put it

My all time fave dead song is “throwing stones” and it sums it all up in one phrase
“We are on our own”
No God is coming back to this place…and the aliens lock their doors when they are driving in our neighborhood.


That’s awesome, @Nagel420! I hope your new job is far more of what you actually want to be doing than the not so great stuff!

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Day 1 is in the books. Things I noticed:

Everybody is nice. I mean like REALLY nice. The employees on a whole all seem to be happy.

The place doesn’t smell like I expected… AT ALL… Its wierd, hard to describe, but doesn’t smell like any grow I’ve done, inside or outside. Outside the building you get a faint skunk smell.

They are white-room sterile in comparison to the grows of all of us here. Had to get changed into scrubs, wear booties, and even in some rooms wear tyvek suits. Lots of disinfecting going on, all over the place. Oh, and its a good thing I decided to wear boxers today (usually I go commando), but had a wierd feeling. Yeah, it was a good thing :smiley: LOL

There are no free samples. As an employee I can get discounted samples from the dispensaries we serve (pretty cheaply I might add), and we get a pretty decent discount otherwise (thru the dispensaries, nothing is sold at the facility I am in).

The rooms are just HUGE. Just colas as far as the eye could see at eye level. Some rooms are 2 or 3 levels depending on stage.

The various people we dealt with during training today kept doing little pop quizzes. Gotta say, you instantly knew who the smokers were, and who the occasional tokers were. I pretty much was told to stop answering and let others answer ROFLMAO. Things like what are terpenes. whats a fan leaf vs a sugar leaf. name some cannibinoids. I just chuckled, like all this shit is memorized long ago.

The facility is so big I AM going to get lost at least a half dozen times before I figure it out.

The day goes by WAY faster when you are into what you are doing… Yeah… I think this is gonna be fun, and finally make the kind of $$ I should be making with the knowledge between these ears…


I had assumed that the boogeyman was a western European kinda thing. Guess I was shown to be full of shit (again).

This is the accompanying article.


There have been several posts about how Roman roads stand up next to modern roads. This is a sample of the road strata below England’s A303 motorway. Pretty cool, I think.


Wait until Jason Vorhees comes out to play, that’s the real boogeyman cha cha cha cha chaaa😂

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The artist is Justin Bateman. The link has a nice, minute long video of the artist at work. I was able to identify the subject at about 22 seconds. There are several other portraits too.

Is he a stoner or a rocker?


That is some serious talent!

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Outta likes.

Yeah, it must take so many hours to create one of those!

While the winning photograph is really stunning, there are more than a dozen other killer photos.

Laurent Ballesta

Agorastos Papatsanis

Here, trumpeters watch a 10’ boa constrictor slide by. Hadrien Lalague

Sunflower pollen clings to the point of an acupuncture needle, shown at 40 times its normal size. John-Oliver Dum

Those are orcas and a seal. Imagine that that’s a boat. Because of warming waters, that behavior likely will disappear. Bertie Gregory


My brains been forgetting stuff lately.

What’s the name of the encrypted message website to send private info to people??


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Thank you sir middleman
.that’s the one hahahahha


My memory has been shot.

I was trying to remember the other day who the first people were that I tripped on shrooms with like 20 years ago and I used to tell the story all the time and Name the 3 people , now the third person is erased from my memory …@
I can only think of two.

It was memorable …


It’s ok, I can’t put a single name to a face for any single person I went to high school with.
Except my wife, lol.


What an awesome longform experiment! I love hearing about these old university projects passed down generation to generation like the tar drips: