Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

so i went to the post office today to send out seeds only to realize once i got there it was closed for vets day :-1:


On Saturday?

so i went outside and saw a bag of “terp tea” i was using as outdoor nutes this season and it had been torn into by rats. i can’t believe a rat could eat any of that and survive.

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Now you probably got some roided out rats running round! :rofl:

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Lol…that one’s pretty cool…could get all baked and make a killer drum loop…lol

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there isn’t much left but it’s now laced with rat poison so there should be dead rat(s) within the next few days i hope. :+1:

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Have you ever wonder what happens if you compress things really, really, REALLY small? Even if you haven’t, if you’re a person who enjoys science, you may find this crazy fascinating!

This is a cool explanation of what happens (or in the most extreme cases, what physicists think happens) to, for example water, under seriously extreme conditions. Cutting edge science explained to make some semblance of sense to the simple minded like me. The video is about 11 1/2 minutes long.

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You got hair to share?


@blowdout2269 Have you got your Starlink up and running yet?

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No, I ran outta time this weekend. Plus, the weather was garbage.
It basically comes with zero mounting hardware btw. Lame, I know. I’m looking into a different style of mount too. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Thanks bud. I have to ditch this dsl. I’m hoping Starlink will be the holy grail of rural internet. You’re my guinea pig, lol.


I like it! :laughing:

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It’s the cats ass had it for a few months now and no complaints. Thinking I might order the 3500.00 mobile set up would be excellent while travelling in the north.


Thanks, Shisk. I was hoping to hear that. Did you have to mount it on your roof, or can you mount it anywhere that has a clear view of a reasonable part of the sky? I have a fence out back that I’d prefer to mount it to.


You can pretty much stick it any where there’s a clear view of the sky . I first had it sitting on my deck took all of 5 minutes to set up I’ve since mounted it on the roof for winter.

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That is what I need to do.
What style of mount did you get?

Hey @Coda, the mount it comes with is pretty much for the ground.

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Just the one that comes with it x shape used 4 hex screws to fasten it down . When it was on the deck it just sat there didn’t even bolt it down . My mount works well to attach it to the flat of the roof .
You could screw it to a chunk of plywood and let it sit almost any flat surface.
A old satellite dish pipe mount also will work fine pretty sure you don’t have to spend extra to buy there fancy mounts they offer.


So, you’re using the one it came with on a roof?