Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

And living in the moment is really hard, except when I’m with my plants, or with children. There were a lot of extended time periods of awful in my childhood, and escape is a difficult coping mechanism to change.


I am trying though. Therapy & such. Going to try and sleep now. Thanks you guys.


Can you let plants dry while they are still in the pot /in the ground?

Like when your ready to harvest

Turn lights off an leave the plants In the ground to dry out for say 4 days?

Should just dry and leafs die?

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Got a strange question on companion plants to grow with weed, would Venus fly traps in the same pot 15 gallon effect my grow in anyway?

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If I remember, fly traps have very specific pH requirements, if I’m right, they aren’t compatible (I never got to pop my fly trap seeds after I read that)…


Don’t do that, even though it’s possible, I’m not sure it’ll be good for the buds themselves. They could mold.


That would be pretty cool but I don’t think it would work. Venus fly traps live in bogs so the moss and constant wet feet would not be good for the plants.
I have a Venus flytrap too but it doesn’t mix with the weed.
This one is a couple years old, was the size of a quarter when I got it. Flowers a couple times a year. Very cool little plants



Got work today then…maybe I’m better throwin lights back on

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Lazy me
Chopped everything and strung up.

Put exhaust fan on low .

Never thought about the additional moisture in there still in root ball and soil. Even though n soil would dry up.

Thanks :]


Super cool plant :metal:

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i just transplanted some plants from solo cups into 3gal pots for a breeding project. i really neglected them this time around and it shows. i was busy and let them grow into the T5 and overwatered some of them. hopefully they all survive. i better start taking better care of my plants.


Just did the same thing…Got some burnt leaves, but they’ll be fine.

Feel pretty ashamed though! :flushed:


:wave: hey
Was hoping someone here would be able to help my diagnose the issues with my girl.

She is just in Fox Farm Ocean Forest for now untill I get some more coco, and I’m watering with straight water PHed at around 6.3
But last week she started showing some strange leaf coloring and the tips are starting to brown.

Does anyone know what this could be ?


colour looks good green wise so not hungry. next i would look at humidity low RH will do this as well as wet feet (root rot) i am leaning to low humidity if nothing else changed


When you tell her “lets goto the sex room!” And its just a room with plants waiting to be sext.


Looks like it needs a good round of cal-mag. Light not to bright?

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So cool looking. I have always wanted one.,

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Looks like a potassium deficiency to me, and if your RH is low asThainer said, that will cause the plant to use more potassium pumping more water through the plant.


The worst part of the season is the cold wait before summer. Like I just wanna get out side and start prepping and cant. I really need a tent for the winters and spring, feels like I’m wasting time. Wish they weren’t so expensive…


i hear ya finally broke down and got one just after Christmas 4x3 it has a 3x3 main chamber and a 1x3 germination chamber got the spring veggies in there (started them way to early) not use to the tent. It was not that big of a hit 112$ CDN to my door Lumo-X is the brand seem to be heavy duty zippers outside plastic can be your friend every layer of plastic with an air space of min4" will move you a grow zone south i am a spoiled Canadian i live in 7a but i have salad greens growing outside right now in a home depot pails and plastic dollar store dome and at night i cover them with a clear leaf bag and it has been cold here the last week for us