Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

I always liked the Way those tents with the seedling part looked, like Iā€™d totally get one of them over just a single room. Michigan here so I feel ya. All my windows bout to be filled with solo cups lol

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I picked up a 5x4 that has a 1x4ā€™ seedling area and a 4x4ā€™ grow area, itā€™s awesome! Best investment I made towards this ā€œhobbyā€ā€¦ I have to say though, I still want another 4x4 for budding :joy:.


I have a 3x4 with a separator like that (1x3 seedling area). Wasnā€™t long before I removed the divider and just used it as a regular old open 3x4.

The concept is really cool, but ended up not fitting my growstyle. I can always squeeze in some seedlings in the open area anyway.


I couldnā€™t get the ventilation right between both sides and did the same thing, then I got a 4x4 , then a 5x5 and the 3x4 got taken down.

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Yeah, I run a 4x4 for flower and the 3x4 for veg. Currently just have one plant in the 4x4.

Would love to have more space. Iā€™m super jealous of people that have whole rooms dedicated so you can run without any tents. Maybe one day.

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Iā€™ve thought about taking the whole room, but then I wouldnā€™t have a veg and a flower space without at least some temporary construction. Id rather just have the two tents that take up half the room and a work area in the ā€œlung roomā€.


Does anyone know what the max limit is for muted threads on the main page? Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve reached it, because threads Iā€™ve muted become unmuted (Normal) now whenever I mute a new one.

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You can set the timeframe to forever, but I donā€™t know if thereā€™s a limit.

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I only mute the threads like ā€œYo, yo, whatā€™s up gromio?ā€ And ā€œHow high should I hang my lightā€

You know what I mean.

There must be a limit because when I mute a new one, I can see an old one Iā€™ve muted before.



Whatz up!!! Margrowmio!!!


Lol growmario!

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I do know what you mean.

I mute a few select threads.

And it takes a lot to get on my ignore list. Itā€™s quite exclusive.


do you snore by any chance? i had a similar sleep routine, was only able to get a couple hours of sleep at a time and was up 2-3 times a night and shook the house snoring if i did fall asleep.
during a medical procedure they noticed i had / was in a fib heart beat. my heart doctor had me do the sleep study for sleep apnea because if you have it and stop breathing when asleep the brain fires adrenaline hard to get you breathing again. it fires so hard it can knock heart out of rhythm causing the a fib irregular heart beat.
sure enough i had sleep apnea.
i was always dragging ass feeling tired and just said it was old age. once i got on the cpap it was like a miracle no more waking up thru the night and everyone was thankful they cold sleep because i stopped sawing logs when i was asleep. who would of thought so, not me.
i was resistant to the idea of the cpap and it took a bit to get use to and find the right set up to use, but omg what a diffrence. i feel so much better rested sleep for hours at a time and have the energy to deal the same drama you mention. just some food for thought.

edit think i should of replied to @RainToday good info for all that dont sleep well and snore.


Itā€™s been a concern but nope, not a snorer, unless my sinuses are acting up, according to my wife. I donā€™t know! Iā€™m asleep! :laughing:
Itā€™s mostly a psychological hang up, and I know it. The emmanance of our demise(in only 43 but my sister died when she was 44), the number of ā€œthey just didnā€™t wake upā€ stories, and the ā€œthey look like theyā€™re sleepingā€ fucks with my head almost every night that I donā€™t smoke myself stupid. Iā€™ve talked to a few different doctors about it and weā€™ve tried a few different things. I good heavy indica works best, melatonin is a joke and wasnā€™t about to try the Ambien he prescribed. Iā€™d wake up in divorce court or something. I can recall 30 years of being like this.

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Good thought, I did a sleep study a few years back and they said its not apnea. :slight_smile:


I had sleep apnea but thought it was snoring. Did the sleep study and I was having 72 episodes over 8 hours of sleep. Got a Cpap device and I have been sleeping well and waking up rested for the past 10 years.


snoring is a possible indicator that there could be apena, but you can have sleep apena and not snore.


Hmm may have to bring that up. It doesnā€™t really cause me problems, that i know about. My fit fitbit had a sleep tracker but it always kept saying Iā€™m sleep deprived, and itā€™s probably right. I donā€™t know, gotta slow down to get sleep, but ā€œif you never slow down, you never grow oldā€ right?

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Wait a minuteā€¦ I know I may be talking to myself here, but heā€™s a pretty good listener. What if they meant if you never slow down, you never get The chance to grow oldā€¦ ā€œBrightest flames burns quickestā€?

Fuck! Now Iā€™m arguing with myself again.