Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

i just watered my plants in veg and rubbed the stem on one, i think it smelled like diarrhea with roses in it, lol. hopefully that changes.


Rose Diarrhea does remind me of when I was younger and your friends would talk about a strain and you were just like wtf why would you be after that… idk where I was going with that other than Rose Diarrhea could be a band or strain name


looking for a male of that strain. i doubt they all smell like that and the smell should change into flower

With the present increase of idiots generation to generation I’d suspect we’d see someone named “Diarrhea Rose”

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lol it do be like that sometimes. ya ever see the one about the kid named Abcd? apparently its pronounced absidee

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Still stuck on the girl that named her daughter “Chlamydia”

Lemonjello and Orangejello - these were twins’ names


not sure where to put this not starting a thread but i just started 6 seeds for outdoor this year. 3 bubba kush s1, and 3 shuntz s1. both from csi humboldt.



i heard someone say this years ago but they told the story as if it happened to them.

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It’s a urban legend. I’ve heard it since I was a kid.


My legal name is LimeJello


I smell a Bill Cosby reference coming!

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There’s always room for J-E-L-L-O


With his proclivities, that really didn’t age well 🤦😂

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Yeah, you know, he’s like all those big stars these days, he only goes by one name, but I happen to know that his entire name is LimeJello Biafra.


The artist formerly known as hooves :custard:


I love some LimeJello for dessert when holidaying in Cambodia.


I remember when strains had cool names like Afghan Kush or Haze or White widow. Those names would get me dreaming of travelling to far off lands. Now strains are like, ice-cream-cookie-cake-tickle-berry-thundercunt. What the hell happened?


The vapers got involved? :smile:

In fairness…I heard of Matanuska Thunderfuck way before White Widow, or Haze.

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Back in the day, for me, the unicorn was finding someone with White Widow. This was in the late 90’s and all I could get was a friend of a friend way down the supply line and no one would make the intro. I understand why, but damn when you found her, you didn’t forget her.

Names any more seem to be over complicated and more focused on shock impression than anything.

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