Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

:rofl: I always find hair in mine, only its usually dog hair. Anyone who gets pucks from me, the dog hair is included and free!

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above my desk at work:



You don’t have to subscribe lol just wanted to show you how gentle Paperwasps are, I pet them all the time, and here I stay close and just watch what she does. pretty sure the babies are going to love me or at least not sting me.


We have a great relationship with them here as well. The only time I’ve been stung is when I didn’t see one and sat on it. At the end of the season when the nests are abandoned, a friend of ours collects them for art projects.

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just remember they de-funded the plant count police. :wink:

no worries they are not even writing speeding ticket or vehicle registration tickets. between the de fund and courts getting back logged from covid BS. there is now way the plant count police will be checking on you.

enjoy your grow.


Hey everyone! It’s server feeding season and I’m doing an auction of some fun stuff. Come check it out!


This Queen to my best guess is the baby of the queen I noticed last year and I watched her build the nest, have babies (pet all of them) then fall came and they slept allot , eventually died, and the lil queen hid. Females are smart,gentle. They have stingers. The males are aggressive but have no stingers so it’s like who cares.

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The nests (I say nest because it’s not an enclosed hive) they build here are between 4 and 6 inches in diameter. We noticed each year the size would increase. I think it’s because they realize they’re safe here. We’ve never had any of them become aggressive. At night when we turn the porch light on, they will all raise their wings up in defense, but never more than that. We like having them around. I’ll get some pics this year when they start building.

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I dig em as well. 3 years ago, on my shed was a nest, I had to walk by it over and over, they would just look at me, that is it, i needed to move the nest, so i just grabbed the top pulled it off, they just watched me do it, i stuck it in another place, it stuck, never got stung, since then i knew how to deal with them, just be chill, i say nice stuff, like good job mom. lol


Gotta be a collective IQ of about 47 there?


I was thinking more around room temperature, but 47 is a chilly room I guess.


I’m so excited to see this fight. I wanna see 60 year old Iron Mike lift this kid off his feet.


The only doubt is, a 60-year-old getting hit in the head seems sketchy.

( For those with YouTube accounts feel free to subscribe, I lucked out with one video last week 500k views, and if I get 500 subs (stage one) and 1000 subs( stage two) I get ALL required subscribers. plus triple my yearly required Watch Time Hours goal in a single video, 178 more subs I make money, then 1000 subs more money.) I am trapped in a cabin, on a mountain, no vehicle, only thing around here is a internet connection. cool )



:rofl: :+1:


It seemed funny, the irony of a Spy Company or organization using and marketing a brand name. I am not rightwing and I am not proud of this but something about Hillary makes me want to throw her to a pack of wolves, I was the same way with Dick Cheney.


I feel this way about 90% of all politicians. :joy:


I mean it feels like atleast half of em these days would probably wander into the woods on their own if it werent for their handlers :stuck_out_tongue:


This is not a serious country!