Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)


Maybe they want to use it to heat the house? Probably just meth though.


Close the door I’m not heating the whole neighbourhood!

-parents everywhere


Man, that whole phenomenon was hysterical!

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One strange guy.

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Hey @Rocket you got a minute of freetime to talk northern lights?

What’s up?

Ill make it quick.

So old boy cloney has this 1992 tester pack nl clone he calls nl2xnl5, is this the pez clone ?

While were here, and i might be mistaken, but are you the one that wanted to try the joey weed nl few years ago but the order shat?

I don’t know much about the Pez clone other than its speculated of being an NL5 cubed or the “original” USNL5. It’s sounds like junk speculation to me.

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I wanted to order a few packs a couple of years back. Never did. I had a buddy that ran a few packs of his NL from the original release. He found a super keeper from those beans. It was the reason behind my interest.


Might not be pez, just threw that in there thinking its the only named nl of old i know of…

But old nl clone wise… my knowledge is pretty limited to tell the truth…

Think i read that could be nl1 x 5 or nl2 x 5 or whatever.

Just wondering if that/other old nl clone is worth running or id be better off popping beans etc

If youre still interested in giving that line a shot i might be able to help…

Never mind the ill make it quick part hah

Take it to pm if need be… im og we can talk whatever

10 characters.

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See you around

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maybe it’s just me but there isn’t much action going on the last few days. how’s everyone doing?

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I’ve been running around more than I anticipated, and I’m getting even later on my first attempt at topping my plants and starting clones. Tomorrow my plan is to get that finally accomplished and to bake some rolls to go with the pork we smoked yesterday.

How are you doing @anonymous4289?


alright. I’m in the process of flushing my 3 ‘sherbert runtz’ plants. i think they’re too far gone to save. my big t5 crapped out so i have to save for a new one. so overall not too well. I’m hesitating to chop down my giant outdoor sativa but i’m just wishing it would flower faster. even though it won’t finish in time


Oh no! That doesn’t sound great. If you think you have a shot of getting anything usable, even if it’s not ideal, might be worth keeping the outdoor one going?

Also this thread might be quiet now that the supporters have early access to chat functionality :thinking:

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This topic is closing in favor of a dedicated chat application.