Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

Perhaps the dead look back at us and wonder why we cling to life so desperately. Until we pass, we cannot know that death is not the sweetest joy. “ Om mani padme hum.” :relieved:


Condolences for the loss of your grandmother.


My condolences man. I’m glad you have have memories with her. No apologies needed, you didn’t overshare at all


Mantis greeting a guest on a Jelly Donutz; we’ll call it a good omen!


Seedsman giveaway 12 days left to enter.

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I love Danny Kaye. He was a seriously accomplished person and zany as shit. This clip from an appearance on the Dick Cavett Show is a nice example of just how weird he was. If you watch this, you may catch mention of a Sylvia. That would be his wife, Sylvia Fine, who actually wrote much of Danny’s material, including the tongue twisters he did in movies.

I hope you enjoy this clip.


Well, 5k to replace our house’s main electrical panel and add a new circuit for my grow room because the house is so old I can’t run AC in my room and run my grow room and my computer add the same time compares favorably to the previous quote of 8-12k just for the panel. We know the guy too, he’s excellent. It also compares favorably to a house fire from the fried breakers he replaced. And it’s nice that it’s summer so he could just use one of the furnace breakers to make the rest of the place work.
Yet somehow, I’m not enjoying the moment much. :woman_facepalming:


I faced the same problem @RainToday when we bought this house, called around and got the same kinda estimates as you. I work in the commercial electrical field but never dealt with a residential panel… after asking around at work my coworkers convinced me to do it myself.

I went got a permit from the city and got the supplies, which ran me about 1500. Installed a much bigger panel and passed inspection, was a great day the inspector was very impressed with the job. The biggest expense was the new breakers they have. Each breaker was like 50 dollars the panel was like


Nice job @Mrgreenthumb !

Yeah when I replaced the breaker box in here from 2x pushmatic boxes it cost us near $1000 CAD for the box + breakers all together. We bought a kit which reduced the price of getting everything individually.

Rather than do the work myself I got a friend who is an electrician to do all the work and all he asked was 300$ cash monies for the whole job which I had no problem with as he’s a good friend and I like helping him support his family.


When I was getting the quotes from companies for 6 to 8 thousand dollars . I knew how much some of the parts costed from going to the supply warehouses. And knew how long it would generally take to do it from people who worked in that field, and was like thier is no way I am paying all that money for this job. I would ask the people giving me the quotes about the prices and they would just say “that is the going rate”

I did get a panel that had the main breaker and 4 other assorted breakers. That box is a square d


That’s what we got!


Yeah the profit margins for things like this are INSANE.

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Cost to Upgrade Electrical Service Panel - 2024 Cost Calculator (Customizable) ( this is a 100 amp panel if going new i would 200 amps but your price seems a little rich on this site you can put in your zip code but i have no idea site conditions


Holy crap, 5k for a new box now?? I replaced the one in my Mrs’ house when I moved in, and upgraded to 250amp from 130 or something ridiculous from the 70s, and that was only 3500…it would have been 4200 with a separate circuit for my office/grow room.

5k?? And that’s on the cheap side?? Ouch!!


damn seed sorting is a bitch :-1: rare darkness f2s

edit: finally done, there were more seeds than i expected. i filled up a large prescription pill bottle. those are what i put my seeds in.


just dumped over a pound of weed scraps into a fire pit. big city busy area. stunk like crazy. nice thick white smoke. i didn’t think to take pictures.

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Dude, was that your chaff? I use mine to make butter.



i thought about it. i’ve made butter before that turned out super potent but this stuff had zero potency to it and i figured the butter wouldn’t turn out good.

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how’s it going everyone?

it looks like the heat is going to be extreme tomorrow where i am. 98 degrees. thankfully i picked up a new air conditioner earlier this year, otherwise i wouldn’t be able to handle the heat. i hope you all manage to avoid the heat as much as possible. good luck everyone.

also, this thread has gotten pretty dead, maybe this will revive it.

