Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

Ahahaha, yes! I had forgotten about that! Gotta rewatch that show. How about when they need to find the mayors chain?

That was hysterical! Such a great series. I really like the theme song as well. If you remember, the kid who wrote it sings it in one of the episodes. The local talent contest, I believe.

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Curious if anyone has Echium vulgare seeds they are willing to trade?

You guys see this crap yetā€¦.


I have watched all three series several times, itā€™s very funny I hope they make more, but adter finding the hoard up the tree I think they canā€™t take it any further.

I metal detect occasionally and I get the same thing, how the fuck did this piece of junk get here in the middle of no where lol.

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I think they are all on Prime video, or at least the first 2 are.

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Itā€™s actually kind of funny to me. Living in Niagara and being an avid fly/float fisherman Iā€™m on the water more than Iā€™m not , and being a mere stones throw away from the US you can only imagine what Iā€™ve seen over the years. Iā€™ve seen half naked people emerge from the rapids holding a giant steel cable I had no idea existed but made complete sense as that POS took more of my tackle than any other obstacle but itā€™s mere feet from a favourite hotspot. People have found garbage bags full of weed, mescaline shipments, countless small packs attempted to get across but lost along the way. Once I was in the gorge standing waist deep in the water not a soul in sight. I was bumped by a log which startled me but I pushed it off towards shore, it got caught on a rock, after losing my hook/bead on a snag I walked in to change and noticed something protruding from the log, so I checked. It was a garbage bag wrapped tightly around two bails of something with black duct tape . I promptly pulled it out and used my scissors to snip it, it was a crap load of credit cards and some id, The other was little metal plates with engravings similar to vin numbers on cars but different. Someoneā€™s package escaped and found me. We actually burned the stuff in a bond fire later that afternoon. Boy was I excited until I cut through and saw what was ACTUALLY inside :man_facepalming:t2: Iā€™m 99% sure people have found much much better surprises though. Now we have opp and border patrol boats constantly plus cameras EVERYWHERE so these things are much less common but pre 9/11 it was an absolute shit show around here, no joke.


You got a snake bite you are looking to heal? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Iā€™m thinking about the :honeybee: :smiley:


And Satisfaction?

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Definitely money for pollinators . The one I always see them swarm too is sunflowers for some reason. My neighbor had dozens and dozens every year and the honeybees were there EVERY DAY in abundance. And just honey bees, no wasps , carpenter bees, hornets nada. Just the good ones. I always throw down huge wildflower mixes at my place and some nearby open spaces , they seem to love those too as well as hummingbirds, butterflies and other bugs. Love that you are doing stuff to help the bees every flower counts, I even leave them water plates in my back porch in the summer and lay lines of paper towels for them to walk on while they drink without them getting stuck and drowning. So many forget about the bees and they are one of the most important insects , or anything really in the world and our success directly correlates to the bees staying alive. (Why donā€™t they teach this in schools instead the Columbus lie etc. smh) sorry , Iā€™m passionate about this stuff a wee bit. Much respect @Pigeonman much much respect


Me too @TopShelfTrees1, I plant not just sunflowers but my garden my wifeā€™s humongous cottage garden and even my plants get honey bees. There used to be someone had bee hives close by. I used to kill the weeds aka dandelions in the yard, now I just let them go. I have 3 bird feederā€™s I keep filled, I could sit and watch nature all day. My friends back yard is always interesting.

They rescued a fawn a few years ago and we used to sit at the picnic table smoking weed and the fawn was laying at our feet like a big puppy.

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awesome! much respect as well. i wish everyone knew the significance and importance of those little wonderbugs! i feel the same about nature, just love it and if i was 20 again id be headed to Alaska to live off of the land TRULY, its my big regret not following my heart. but alas i may not have found my beautiful angel (my wife) and had my two biggest blessings (my sons) but we both feel we should have just done it. those Eagles are awesome! and a favourite of mine by far, we have an abundance here in Niagara actually but they are scarcely seen up close as they live in parts of the gorge most have never been. ive seen them haul huge salmon out of the water that were twice their size! truly majestic, incredible, very large son is working in Toronto now and was telling me of a nest in the building that is being built said its as big as my kitchen table with huge sticks bent and woven . he said its incredible to see the scale and complexity of it. THanks for sharing @Greenfingers

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Well thats just sad. I like, well used to like their wraps. Time to find a new fave

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So much truth in that statement. Itā€™s been hard keeping bees the last 15 years or so. Mitesā€¦

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I donā€™t think all that genetically messed with plants they produce is helping the bees either.


I made ChatGPT change its cannabis grow instructions. I feel accomplished today. It gave me a good list of grow necessities/instructions but failed to mention the 12/12 flip. I pointed out the error & in the future, people will now get accurate info :+1:

Me: If someone else asks in the future how to grow cannabis, will you mention the 12/12 flip light period now?

ChatGPT: Yes, I will make sure to mention the 12/12 light cycle as a crucial step in the process of growing cannabis in the future. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


atta boy @Gonzo


May I also suggest ā€˜Meet the Feeblesā€™ Arguably Peter Jacksonā€™s best work.


man, how did i not know of thisā€¦ wow! thanks bro