Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

Cult classics are the best. Thereā€™s always a new treasure to discover.

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@Coda @Shadey Iā€™m going to start rewatching it tonight, sitting here thinking about it I realize how much I had forgotten!


true that, true that! this ones goin down tonight!

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Hello, would you look at the time

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Hey OG family :wave:
Hope everyones having a fantasticā€¦is it Monday ? Yup Monday !

Just had questions about a Bodhi strain I want to try, and Iā€™m hoping someone could help me answer them.

So I have a few Cherry Trance beans, and as I normally do when I have interest in a strain, I went to go look up some information on her.


A few sites say that Cherry Trance is:
-Cherry O x Wookie 15
Another few sites say sheā€™s
-Amnesia Trance x Cherry Kush

Just hoping someone would know what the actual genetics are.

Also, I can find info on Wookie 15, but nothing on Cherry O

Also hoping someone knows something about that strain as well.
Even if someone has grown the Cherry Trance out before, any kind of information on Terps or high would be greatly appreciated.

Alright. Thatā€™s it. Have a great day out there. Haha

And thank you for any help !

  • Happy
    :v:ā€ :green_heart:

Not grwon it but have grown 3 different Xā€™s that used Wookie 15. Terps OFF THE SCALE on all 3, especially Space Monkey! Wookie adds the terps for sure!

15 caves in total, so hardly a definitive list, just their opinion of the cream of the caves.


Been to most of those. Mammoth is AMAZINGā€¦gets my vote. Our lil one here in Texas is good too, Natural Bridge

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@Jetdro, is that the one that was a whore house during the week and a church on Sundayā€™s? Iā€™ve been to that one but donā€™t remember the name.

Escapee owl Flaco rests in a tree on the west side of NYCā€™s Central Park.

Thatā€™s one beautiful bird! And his eyebrows appear to be nearly as out of control as mine! :rofl:


Oh itā€™s so beautiful! :owl:

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Sorry for slow reply not o line much these days. I love Real Growers Recharge. I use it once every week at 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. I alternate between it and great white mycorrhizae. I water every 3 days give it take with the way I have my set up. So they get half dose every watering of some fresh microbes. I like the results and rarely see deficiency unless Iā€™m under feeding. I seldom check ph using weekly microbes. I have a system that is fairly easy and things seem to stay in balance I attribute that to recharge and great white. So Iā€™d say definitely worth the money for the results I feel im getting. Hope this helps anything else let me know happy share any of my methods with u


Thanks @Player0685 !!! :hugs:


I watched the first and second series the last 2 nights, will be watching the final one tonight, they do make me laugh. I am not sure how the humor translates to non UK people, there are a lot of cultural nuances.


I canā€™t stand American dad that alien bothers me


Not the same kind of trees we be talkinā€™ about, but interesting nonetheless. Not hugely in depth, but more than a couple of paragraphs. For me it was worth the few minutes it took to read.

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Okay, I was looking through the cards and reading some of the statements when I came upon this one from Bong, NY! :rofl: (Yeah, I know itā€™s St Bong, but I prefer it without the religious connotation.) After I hit the bong (in New York or anywhere else), any writers block I may experience goes up in smoke! The evidence is right in front of you - I just hit the bong and here I am happily typing away! rofl


I really liked that series, and am from the US. But, I watch a ton of British tv and movies, so maybe thing that Iā€™m used to would be lost on most Americans. Or Iā€™m laughing my ass off at the parts that arenā€™t jokes haha. Either way, itā€™s on the shortlist for a rewatch.


They did a study to see if plants communicate to each other, and the results are pretty wild.

The observed several plants in the same area. Then they hooked one up to check for somethingā€¦i forget what tho :thinking:
Bwhileut anyway, the approached one plant in the group with an open flame, and as they got closer the plant started sending a signal of some kind (I canā€™t remember what itā€™s called. Damn.)
But it was detected with their equipment, and then the ones closest started sending signals to the ones behind them. It was really crazy.

The also tested those plants that work with the ants. They release a sap or food source for the ants, and when in danger they signal to the ants to protect it, and they do. In exchange the plant will produce more sap for them to eat.

Itā€™s really crazy how much we donā€™t know or understand in or about the world we live in.

Iā€™ll try to look those up and post em here. You just reminded me about them.