Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

Oh no ! Take a cut while you can !

Put something around and in the cut (I forgywhat itā€™s called ) and wrap it up tight with tape.


Squirrels arenā€™t real either


thanks Iā€™ll check it out

. Iā€™ve got a few chapters on him (p.o.s) Iā€™n other books n saw a podcast I havenā€™t listened to.

the mr.big stings are always good


That, my friend, was awesome! I never worked raftless logs on a small river like that. No doubt it was seriously hard work, but I know from my time rafting logs that there is real joy in the work as well. Itā€™s unlike any other job I know of, and it no longer exists as far as I know. No more logs in either the Columbia or Willamette systems. Do you still see log rafts in the rivers near you?

A few technical points some folks may have missed or be unfamiliar with. In the opening scene, there are three guys pushing long sticks. Those tools are pike poles. On the far end you can see a hook. At the tip of the tool there is also a point. That particular tool is an old school wood handled pike pole. (Yes, the same basic design as medieval pike poles.) By the time I rafted logs, wood handles were a thing of the past. At 46 seconds youā€™ll see guys using pike poles that have a bulge at the end. That bulge is a wooden knob. Those are hollow aluminum poles and the knob is to keep the pole from sinking if it falls into the water. Far lighter than the same tool with a wooden handle. Pike poles are used for pushing and pulling logs (or log rafts in the case of more modern logging) on the water.

At 44 seconds, youā€™ll see a tool with a large swinging hook and a point at itā€™s end. Thatā€™s a peavy. It has has a tapering handle. Where the handle meets the socket in that metal head, itā€™s about 3" in diameter. The entire tool is between 4 and 5 feet in length. A pike pole is about 1 12" in diameter, has no taper and come in various lengths, from just a few feet to 10 feet and more. A pike pole is used exclusively on the water. The peavy used for gaining leverage when attempting to roll a large log and is often used on land. Itā€™s a great tool!

Finally, the song theyā€™re singing is all about burling. Burling is what is known to the lay public as log rolling. All these guys are wearing caulk shoes. (Theyā€™re actually boots, but theyā€™re called shoes.) These are not the same as a hob nail boot. Hob nails encircle the sole of the boot. Caulks have small nails sticking out the bottom of the soles giving the wearer, under normal circumstances, a solid purchase on the log. Burling in calm water is a fucking blast! I canā€™t express to you just how much fun it is, even by yourself! Youā€™re running like hell in place only not really in place and trying to stay upright while throwing all this water in the air! Oh fuck, for a young guy, it was such a fun time! Weā€™d get all fucked up on the shitty ass pot of the day and go out and burl. We must have been so hysterical to watch!

Thank you so much for that fun little trip down memory lane!

Edit: One more thing I remembered. If you fell in the river and your balls got wet, you had to by the crew a case of beer. If you fell in and the hair on your head, you had to buy the crew a fifth. You, the wetee, got none. I didnā€™t drink beer or whiskey, and in 3 1/2 years I never had to buy the crew any alcohol. Me and the ownerā€™s son were the only two of the companyā€™s 6 employees who never had to buy. :slight_smile:


Itā€™s Readerā€™s Digest, so donā€™t expect a deep dive. Interesting nonetheless for this blue-eyed boy.

My real issue with the article is it assumes only one genetic mutation rather than multiple similar mutations during the same time period.


yep, i duct taped the shit out of it but i donā€™t know if itā€™s recovering yet.

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Hard to believe Iā€™ve been here for a year! Thanks for being OG, OG :+1:


Awesome !! Congratulations !!

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Happy Anniversary @potpotpot ! :slight_smile:


Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary @potpotpot . :peace_symbol:

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Thanks! This is such an easy place to be! Thanks you all who make this the only thing on the internet I actually want to look at haha. I donā€™t know if being here has restored my faith in humanity, but it has retired some of my faith humans. :+1:


wonder how Irishrocker is doin!

hopefully still filling lots of pasta sauce jarS!


so the purple kush i snapped never recovered. it was a very small plant and i guess it just couldnā€™t uptake water after the break. it looks like it got fried. oh well.


I am sorry for your loss. :disappointed_relieved:


Damn. Sorry to hear that. I was hoping it would heal.

Im gonna look up that stuff they place on broken tree branches. I think they use the same thing for grafting. I wish I had this info sooner to offer you the option.

Iā€™ll be sending good vibes for everything else you grow.
:seedling::herb:šŸŖ“ :evergreen_tree:

:v:ā€ :green_heart:


i donā€™t know if itā€™s true but iā€™ve read people use clonex but i only use that for trying to root clones


I used root powder once and made a paste out of it and smeared it on the break with some tape and a stake.


Fresh Aloe gel (from an Aloe plant) and 1/4 of an aspirin or some sugar is what Iā€™ve read works in a pinch. :seedling:


This is some seriously crazy shit! The video is like, donā€™t fuck with me, hammerhead, for I am DOG!


All four of mine would do the same thing, they are fearless