Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

Correct big fat domestic turkeys raised in a 1 by 1 foot pen do not fly well

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“As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”


Weren’t they frozen turkeys?:rofl:

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Every encounter I had with Wild Turkey resulted in me going splat on the ground haha.


@DougDawson to continue our conversation, wow, that’s amazing! When we took our test, I think you had to have a 90% to pass. Testing was done in a controlled environment, we were on camera, our monitors were being monitored, and no notes were allowed. We were allowed to brain dump, could have a pencil and paper and when we sat down were allowed to 'dump any stats and numbers we memorized right before the test. It was the same room they gave pilots and others tests where you simply had to know the answers. Cheating without getting caught was extremely difficult to impossible. Me and my buddy Tom were top 2 in the class, with matching 99% pass rates.
Pretty funny for all that security, I remember in the waiting room there were a pile of blank pilots certifications. I thought that was crazy.


Lol, yeah. When I did my CCNA I had to remove my watch and leave my pen outside of testing room. Good times :rofl:


Right? Like real CIA stuff!!


:rofl::joy: that was amazing lol

I love that they left it to the imagination but still let you know exactly what was going on.
I’ll have to check out some episodes now. Thank you haha

Okay not sure where else to ask this. Just want to know what you get when you cross

An Auto to a Fast Flower
(Auto) x (Auto x Photo) = F1 (Auto) ?

Do the auto recessive genes pair and make all the F1s to be Full Auto ?
Or do you need to cross an Auto F1 to another Auto F1 to make sure the genes pair ?

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Yes, you need to cross an auto to an auto. Even then, depending on the genetics they might not be guaranteed to be all full autos.
An auto crossed to a photo plant, you would have to go through the seeds and select certain plants and breed them again to be more in the ballpark of being an auto.


F1’s = just keep popping, keep lights on 24/0, tag the ones that start to do anything after 3 weeks then let these plants fuck!!

F2’s = do it again.

This was my plan at least when I get down to it :rofl:




i don’t know if it’s accurate but it’s still cool:


That was a sad story bruh, why you bringing the mood down like that?

Wasn’t trying to, just amazes me what people are capable of. And if you read the story, it was the systems fault. He was let out on an error.

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Oh I read the story alright, grizzly stuff. Sad that the people being sued for letting him out have already filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit. They lacked the due diligence to read paperwork but manage to stay preemptive with their own legal issues.


I agree. I think prison is a most fucked up place. There are people that are innocent that do decades before being or never are freed.
And there are predators and sickos that should NEVER see the light of day again. It’s tragic that with all our technology, we can’t distinguish the two.
That’s what’s sad.