Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

The problem with the prison system is they used to separate the mentally ill from the criminals.

The criminals took advantage of the mentally ill and they actually became more dangerous than the criminals themselves, so they definitely need to tear these prisons down and start opening up hospital to take care of our people, they deserve better than becoming criminally insane to our society.

So many of us are just cash crops to the corporations in control.

Pressed dry sift Hash talk for my first post here.

Elvis Presley was told if it’s too dangerous to say…then sing it!!
We must pulled together as a family in America. Differences aside matter if we’re gonna make this nation strong again. :100::dove:


Morning projects, moving seedlings into sun, also putting linseed oil on my cutting boards.


Big bust in the city there saying over 2 million in coke plus cash and guns .


Daytime shooting of 3 at Fairview mall just down the street from me.

I hate the way they fan out the bills in bust photos. It’s really not that much cash.


Yup I think they said 50 grand in cash. I’d heard about that shooting on the news today.

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As long as we’re chatting, you know what really pisses me off? On another site that’s ‘for growers’ a dudes like, ‘bro, I went to the dispensary and bought a half O of this OMFG, wow, the names are so cool.’
In my mind, I’m like ‘idiot’ out loud, I’m like, 'bro, what’d you pay for that? ’
Why in the FU€k would you pay X for a half O from a frigging dispensary when the real growers are A. Growing shit way better 2. That you know where I comes from (ie not cartel weed) 3. Is probably available for far less, or at least reasonably less, than the dispensary.


Habitual users will seek out the best deals and the best product but your average person doesn’t care.


I work at a dispo and dont smoke 90% of the weed there, I just smoke mine and others home grown. The shit people will buy just for a good deal blows my mind, people pay 25 for a bag of stems and leaf. I need to find a job at a local grow cuz the retail side of things blows, and Im in the BOH doing inventory control/compliancy, so I dont even have to interact with many customers but just watching how its developing is depressing lol



Yeah I think some people may not know someone personally that grows it enough to give or sell to. Lot of introverts and people living by themselves or without friends. Some of those friends can’t grow very well either lol



:partying_face: :radioactive: :turtle:


Grabbed some clones yesterday; I wasn’t planning on adding anything to the grow but they weren’t expensive. They’ll sit in the veg tent with the autos and become bonsai moms until I have a chance to do a second seed run in the fall. They missed the cutoff for the current seed run which should hopefully finish in late May.

Left to right: Ghost OG, wedding cake, Motorbreath #15, Sundae Driver #2, GMO x Root beer.


There’s a short narrative that goes along with the pictures, but I think the photos are the highlight, and there are a bunch more at the link.


Just need to emphasis I freaking love these two:


I can honestly say im a fan of both, Goldie has been a heart throb of mine since laugh in. Kurt as Snake Plissken lol classic movie.


Best hollywood couple to date! :rofl:


Hey OG family :wave:
I’m back with yet another breeding question lol
It’s hard to find straight answers on goog, cause it never seems to understand what I’m asking. But this is definitely the best place to ask anyway so…

Okay simple question.

I have (S1) seeds
If I were to self an (S1) female, I would now have
(S2) beans ?
Would that make the (S2)s more stable as the original mother ? And even more if I were to hunt the (S1)s looking for the plants closest to the mother’s original phenos

And in theroy, if I were to hunt those (S1)s and find two that best closely matched the original mother, and I decided to cross an (S1) to another (S1) plant, does that still make them (S2)s or would they be considered (F1)s ??? I’m confused
I would think because they are both (S1)s that you are continuing down the line and would make them (S2)s…

But technically since they are not the EXACT genetics of the mother, meaning not a clone, wouldn’t the mixing of the two genetics from two different plants constitute them being a new cross and therefore an (F1) ??

Help me out here OG
Just want to understand, and I’m just trying to learn more. Sorry if it’s confusing to understand what I’m talking about.
But I appreciate anyone who knows about this stuff helping me out.

Thank you my OG brothers and sister. Love ya guys



Good question!
Though I am nowhere near experienced enough to answer, I’ll be waiting patiently for the response. :yum:


Most S1s are offspring of F1s rather than worked lines. We’ll use GG4 as an example since it’s well-known.

GG4 F1 x GG4 F1 = GG4 S1, and also technically an F2, since you’re mating two F1s, although they are the same F1.

When you take your S1s and grow them out, if you choose one, clone it, reverse the clone, and mate it to itself, you’re making S2s, which are also technically F3s. If you take two and mate them to each other, you’re also effectively making F3s. (Relative to the original cut). F1 x F1 = F2 (= S1 if both F1 selections are the same plant), and F2 x F2 = F3 (=S2 if both F2 selections are the same plant).

If you take two S1s which are siblings and mate them, you’re technically taking F2s and making F3s.


Ahhhh interesting
Sweet man, thank you for the answer I really appreciate it :raised_hands:

I guess I never even considered the S1 x S1 technically being an F2.

Okay so then both apply.
They would technically be both S2s AND F3s
Selfing - F1 x F1 = F2/S1
Selfing - S1 x S1 = F3/S2
Is that right ?