Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

Nice, I’m excited to try it, was told it was their favorite of the 2023 releases.

Unfortunately for me the triple burger has had germination issues so far despite the others all doing fine. Thankfully there’s plenty of time left in the season.

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I would say its an instant classic for me and will grow it again. I am not growing outside this year, kind of ironic now that its ok, last summer I had beautiful plants. Dealing with some physical issues. I am grateful that I have a grow room and excellent tents and gear, its a great way for me to grow.


Whenever the new stuff is ready to smoke, I wash all my older bud for ice water hash. That was yesterday, and today I grated it to prepare it for freeze drying. Front left is 90 micron, front right 160 micron, back left 25 micron, back right combined second wash hash. The lower grade stuff gets pressed for rosin and if it’s really not great I use the rosin to make edibles. So here’s my “field blend” hash.

The 90 micron is the highest quality stuff of the bunch, unsurprisingly:



:drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


90 or 73 pretty much always is


Auction is closed folks. Many thnx to all who helped out!


I’m tingly and looking forward to this like I should!

Looks like it’s gonna be balls to the wall fun & dumb as they bring back the 90’s Blockbuster! :smiley:

Jason Statham on a jet-ski, surfing a 20 foot wave chasing a Megladon with a spear = GOLD.


I hated the first one. But whatever floats your boat. :smiley:

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It hated you. :rofl:

I love shlock!!! I got into the film industry because of movies like “The Toxic Avenger”… :rofl:


Love these Statham movies…Cranked was another top choice for me

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If you love Crank check out this tv show!

& season 2:

Both are Brian Tyler! aka: Crank!


If anyone has an old light laying around or just got a new one and wants to sell their old one please message me asap, thanks in advance :pray:t2:


I thought Happy was great! Loved both seasons, definitely unique that’s for sure!


Happy was a trip to watch sober, I can’t imagine what it would be like to be stoned and watching.


too bad your far away, have a bunch

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Made goop (rosin) today:

25 micron hash:

160 micron hash:

I probably won’t bother pressing the 90 micron hash, or if I do I’ll just press a bit of it.


Lol, I’m riding the train home from work, and this lady was sitting in front of me, and turned around to say “You know you could give up your seat to an elderly woman, like the sign says!”
She gestured to her friend who was standing.
I looked around, and saw no less than 10 seats available, including the empty one next to me. I gestured to all of them.
“Ugh!” She huffed. Then she said to her friend “Here sit with me, because he won’t give up his seat!”
Her friend shouts “No!”
At the next stop they both exit the train, and the lady turns with a withering stare and says to me “I hope you’re happy!”
I smiled and said “I hope you have a nice day!”
Her jaw dropped, the train doors closed, and I smiled as we pulled away, her disapproving face visible in every window until we were out of sight.
Sometimes when life gives you lemons, they turn out to be hilarious experiences.


Hey @TopShelfTrees1 , what kind of power are you looking for?

Anything from 150-450 if led, less if cmh/Mh etc bro.


Most of my stuff is bigger than that but I do have a Mars TS 600 100w that has never been used so still in it’s box. Also a VaparSpectra P2000 200w that I am not using. It was in my 2x4 but ViparSpectra gave me two of their new 150w lights to replace it.

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