Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

That’s insane, I’ve never seen a tornado but I can imagine, sucks it got the boat though, I love the aluminum fishing boats, where I learned as a child, such epic memories I still remember the day they let me go alone at 12 yo I was ecstatic!

Re: dogs

Make sure you have rabies certificates. I had to get one for my guy when I brought him up from Texas. Double check the rules for sure.

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Wow! That’s awesome

Yeah man, those are the best times. The rule for me was I could take the boat out if I could pull start the motor. Before that I could only row. I was a big kid so it didn’t take long to start that 15hp, lol. Good times. That feeling of freedom as a kid was such a great thing.

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Your Halloween stuff is killer!

Thanks man, it’s usually a big hit. We love watching folks stopping and making memories. Doesn’t matter if it’s kids or adults. I tend to lean against my SUV on the street and just watch folks. So many stopping to take pics. Some laughing, some scared. All the reactions are just great to watch.

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That’s awesome, wish I had that rule. :disappointed: It literally will never leave me, first time I felt free, TRULY FREE. I was the exact same, only rowing before, and I had to stay where they could still see me, the day I started that motor and flew away though! Priceless

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I bet, makes you proud to bring that joy to people, I used to do it until we moved to, not quite as elaborate as yours but people enjoyed it, kids loved the yard, wish I had pics.

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Yeah man, those are the moments that stick with you. Freedom, growth, taking in all that’s around you. To many kids miss out these days, it’s sad. This is one of the reason I practice some primitive survival skills like making friction fire. Skills all human beings should at least experience. It’s what got us here.

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It’s funny you mention that I was telling my dad you could do that today lol, I totally agree. My kids were blessed to get the same treatment, but so many never even feel that joy of being free in the woods/lake to grow and learn . It’s why we have all these shut ins etc.

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Have a great night, really great to meet you, hope we get to do it again and share a few J’s next time. :facepunch:t2:

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Absolutely brother, have a great night.

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To be honest, I don’t really smoke all that much. I go in when I need therapeutic muscle relaxing and stress relief properties. I found the best results from my man bubba.

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What’s your preferred/fastest method to bust a coal?

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wow i caught this late, sorry everyone.
and thanx for the invite @Jetdro :wink:

I’m smokin a blend of Bubba Royale and Grandma’s Hashplant. It’s from my greenhouse harvest last fall.

I let Master Yoda have a few puffs. Little fucker tried to runaway with it hahaha


I am pretty fast at getting a coal :wink:


Hand drill, huh? I can’t do that near as fast as a bow and drill set. The type of wood makes a huge difference also.

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This still going I got a call from @jetdro I’m baked af on edibles and smoking cones!!! What’s going on my og people


Sounds like you have a great place to hang out at in summer time there @DougDawson
I’m not on the water but the lake is about 100 yards through the trees out back.
I can leave my driveway on the grizzly 550 and go for kilometers in ever direction. 100’s of lakes around here some are really big but most are awesome smaller fishin lakes.
Got the 14ft springbok and a new 6hp 4stroke yamaha for the regular fishin . I do a lot of float tube fly fishing for rainbows and brookies.
I see a nice Four Winns in your pics :wink:
I have a freedom 195 with a freshly rebuilt 302 put in last fall and now I am getting ready to put the leg back on.

my grizzly is still in snow plow mode… guess I should take that off now haha.
and my 91 st gen dodge ram 4x4 with the 5.9 cummins :smiley: I love my truck…


Yeah, I love my hand drill and yes, the kit makes all the difference. I got the coal in that video after just a few passes. I can also use a bow drill, pump drill and fire saw. I find the hand drill the most difficult with the materials available here. It’s more a desert tool but that’s why I like to practice it.