Chat room (let's chat!) 💬 (Part 4)

Just lurking… lol


Hey lady. :wave:t2: hope all is well over there @Bobgrows

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Hey! All good! Ready to sit and smoke one. Been going all day…
How about yourself? @TopShelfTrees1

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I’m actually doing the same, just rolling up. We can smoke together, gimme a couple mins. Long distance session. And I’m very good thanks for asking :pray:t2:

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Sure thing!
Go to sit and one of my dogs has my chair! Lol

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Mine loves to do that too! Lol especially when it’s still warm

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So whatcha smoking?

I’m smoking some Wedding Cake atm. Very sticky my fingers are like glue! How about you?

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Smoking some Don Mega.
I do like wedding cake as well! Out of it ATM… but have an Auto Wedding Cake growing

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Just cooking up some burgers on the barbecue.


Nice! Haven’t tried Don Mega, but have heard of and seen it, sounds great! I’m about ready , you?

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Lighting it now!

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Nice! I could go for a burger @ShiskaberrySavior

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Same! Let’s get high

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Just invited @Gnome1 to smoke along!

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Awesome! The more the merrier !

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It’s cold out here!! Burrrr…

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Same here, I got shorts on and my legs are freezing! Stupid highs and lows of spring!

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Ya, I thought you where much further north then i!

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