Chat room (let's chat!) šŸ’¬ (Part 4)

I definitely am , been weird like summer during day but freezing after 7pm, very odd lately, rain today too , all day. And itā€™s windy . I also wear shorts way too early lol

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I put all my plants in yesterday. Started raining, stormed all night I thought my plants where doomed! Windyā€¦pouring down rain. I thought they would all be uprooted, drowned. But, all was still good today. Just sprinkles.

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:open_mouth:ā€:dash: thank goodness :sweat_smile: I always hate those first few nights, wake up and look outside immediately etc. lol itā€™s like you canā€™t rest until you know they are safe regardless of what they are either . I have a tiny garden now so Iā€™m being super selective and havenā€™t even got everything yet, but Iā€™m gonna wait until next weekend anyway. I hope it warms up and stays that way real soon

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Think Iā€™m gonna guerrilla a few nice weed plants this year too, been a long time since I have but I miss having some outside .


It looks like all safe here. But you know it can change up here real quick with a nighttime low.
I always have backups. Usually end up with a male or 3! lol

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I just love having the room to grow them outside!
I also love my Photos! :grin:

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Very important to have at least a few, you are like me. (The moms can always come to the rescue) another reason Iā€™m glad I got back into clones/mothers etc. makes everything faster/easier. That way you have no worries when hunting phenos etc either, always something that has your back :wink:

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Thatā€™s what I miss, the space! Just let ā€˜em go nuts! No restrictions

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You know walleye are running heavy right now.
River is full of fishermen.
You are into fishing I think I rememberā€¦right?

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Big time! Crazy up there now I bet, we get them but I gotta go about 45-1 hour away. But itā€™s well worth it, they start up there and end up this way in Erie. Iā€™ve been out for trout lately, but not walleye, now Iā€™m itchin though :laughing:

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I need to make a trip out your way ASAP been like 4 years. I miss it very much tbh

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Let me know if you ever do!
They just had a walleye tournament today, winner walked away with $1,200! Not a bad day if i must say. Fishing and winning that kind of money! They have Fishing tournament here alot.

Itā€™s so much better supported out your way, your fisheries and wildlife spend the money and invest it properly. Out here if it wasnā€™t for us little guys almost nothing would be done. Tbh we rely on New York fish stocking etc. to increase our numbers or at least stabilize them :man_facepalming:t2: cheap as F! But I thank God for places like where you are as they raise a ton and invest a ton plus volunteers , stocking etc. I wanted to move there for years a while back. I will 100% let you know, Iā€™m actually really hoping to make it to @shag party this year as Iā€™ve been dying to go the previous 2-3 as well

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We will meet then! I was supposed to be there the weekend but my son officially graduates as a Dr!! That Fridayā€¦ so I will be there on Saturday!
There sounds like quite the crowd coming!


Should be really awesome! I canā€™t wait! Wow! Congratulations to your son, thatā€™s a helluv an accomplishment for sure! You must be so proud!


I am! Very proud of him!
He had allot to do with me getting into cannibas.


And there goes my likesā€¦.

Really? Thatā€™s awesome! I love how so many doctors are getting into it finally, itā€™s such a blessing to us. Prohibition really slowed its growth forever! Now that itā€™s recognized as a medicine. Truly. Itā€™s only a matter of time until itā€™s used in every household for even the littlest things. I love that he helped push you, so cool


Iā€™ll tell you the story when we meet.
His feild is anesthesiology of all thingsā€¦ lol But heā€™s basically in the O.R. right now

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Deal. That really is awesome! I can only imagine how proud you guys are. Anesthesiology wow, ya thatā€™s a deep one for sure , so important though as their life is in their hands as well. I know how much pride I get when my sons do things, definitely an amazing accomplishment. I canā€™t wait to meet more OGā€™s now that Iā€™ve met a few face to face I wanna meet everyone lol, party should be awesome, love the whole premise tbh

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